theme transition paginate style
section { font-size: 20px; } /* ⬇️ Mark the image of "1" in every pages as morphable image named as "one" ⬇️ */ img[alt="1"] { view-transition-name: one; contain: layout; /* required */ } img[alt="2"] { view-transition-name: two; contain: layout; /* required */ } img[alt="3"] { view-transition-name: three; contain: layout; /* required */ } img[alt="4"] { view-transition-name: four; contain: layout; /* required */ } img[alt="5"] { view-transition-name: five; contain: layout; /* required */ } img[alt="6"] { view-transition-name: six; contain: layout; /* required */ } /* Generic image styling for number icons */ img:is([alt="1"], [alt="2"], [alt="3"], [alt="4"], [alt="5"], [alt="6"]) { height: 64px; position: relative; top: -0.1em; vertical-align: middle; width: 64px; }

So, Someone is Annoying You About Nix

What am I going to cover?

  • Nix tutorials suck
  • Don't need the language first
  • Trust your gut
  • Don't python package by tomorrow
  • Understand stuff first

That's a little vague...

Maybe a check list would be cool...


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

1 What is Nix

Nix is Many Things!

  • Nix is...

1 What is Nix


Hey kid, you wanna write Haskell and JSON?

{ lib
, buildNpmPackage
, fetchFromGitHub

buildNpmPackage rec {
  pname = "reveal-md";
  version = "5.5.1";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "webpro";
    repo = "reveal-md";
    rev = version;
    hash = "sha256-BlUZsETMdOmnz+OFGQhQ9aLHxIIAZ12X1ipy3u59zxo=";

  npmDepsHash = "sha256-xaDBB16egGi8zThHRrhcN8TVf6Nqkx8fkbxWqvJwJb4=";

  env = {

  dontNpmBuild = true;

  doCheck = true;

  checkPhase = ''
    runHook preCheck

    npm run test

    runHook postCheck

1 What is Nix

Package Manager

Install exact packages

packages = with pkgs; [

1 What is Nix

Linux Distribution/Configuration of Same

Control all of your machine with nix!

  hardware.bluetooth = {
    enable = true;
    package = pkgs.bluez5-experimental;
    powerOnBoot = true;
    disabledPlugins = ["sap"];
    settings = {
      General = {
        JustWorksRepairing = "always";
        MultiProfile = "multiple";

1 What is Nix

Dev Environments

Share your setup with the boys

pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = [ pkgs.gnumake ];

  inputsFrom = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.gnutar ];

  shellHook = ''
    export DEBUG=1

1 What is Nix

A ReadOnly File Store!



1 What is Nix

A basic diagram

In case it made sense

│                                                ∨
│  ┌─────────────────────────────────┐         ┌──────────────────┐                  ┌─────────────────────────────┐             ┌─────────────┐
│  │           Nix Darwin            │         │     Nixpkgs      │                  │                             │             │             │
│  │ configuration of Macos with nix │  uses   │     monorepo     │  is written in   │           NixLang           │  produces   │ Derivations │
│  │                                 │ ──────> │ helper functions │ ───────────────> │                             │ ──────────> │             │
│  └─────────────────────────────────┘         └──────────────────┘                  └─────────────────────────────┘             └─────────────┘
│                                                ∧                  uses
│                                                └─────────────────────────────────────┐
│                                                                                      │
│                                              ┌──────────────────┐                  ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│                                              │      NixOs       │  can configure   │        Home manager         │
└───────────────────────────────────────────── │                  │ ───────────────> │ Nix config of user programs │
                                               └──────────────────┘                  └─────────────────────────────┘


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang
  • First Check Mark! Woo!
  • Woah! That's too many things!
  • Yup! Don't worry about any specifics right now
  • We're gonna start simple and fundamental.

2 Installing Nix

Install locally

Head to Deteminate Systems

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  • But what's that curl-shell doing??

Use Cargo

cargo install nix-installer

2 Installing Nix

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install

It Installs

  • Nix Daemon: Performs operations on the Nix Store for you.

  • Nix Store: A ReadOnly file system that stores what Nix builds

  • Nix Command: A set of command line applications that let run nix code and interact with the Nix Store

2 Installing Nix

Now you have Nix!

Veryify your install


$ nix shell nixpkgs#hello
$ hello
-> Hello, world!

You may have to start a new shell


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

Ok! Now you're in! What now?

3 Super Basics of Using Nix

Let's build this slide show!


nix run github:zdcthomas/nix-brown-bag#initial

3 Super Basics of Using Nix

Woah, That Was Easy!

  • I know!

  • That's the point!

3 Super Basics of Using Nix

But wait! There's more!

You can also use this repo's developer environment:

nix develop github:zdcthomas/nix-brown-bag

[ Note ]

The URL is the same, except for the package name at the end

3 Super Basics of Using Nix


Just enter into a project that uses Nix and run nix develop if you want to use the developer shell they set up.


Use nix shell nixpkgs#<your package here> to temporarily install a package!


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

Another easy check! We're cruisin!


Practically you can now make good use of Nix that other people wrote!

4 What is Nix, Really?

But what did I actually do?

Good question!

High level, you ran a package defined in the flake in this repo.

Let's build up to that answer though.

4 What is Nix, Really?

The Point of Nix

Nix aims to let us build the same software every time given the same inputs.

  • What do we mean by same?

4 What is Nix, Really?

Package == Package?

Nix assumes that two packages are the same if they have the same:

  • build steps
  • known build system
  • dependencies
  • "sealed" build environments

4 What is Nix, Really?


Nix calls this combination of things a derivation

  • Special NixLang primitive
  • defines a blueprint for an actual artifact to be built

4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

Open up the nix repl

nix repl nixpkgs

At their most basic, derivations look like

nix-repl> derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

There's a lot to unpack here...

4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

The system that a derivation gets built on in one of the things that defines a derivation

    system = builtins.currentSystem;

4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

The builder is the base program used to build the program

    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";



evaluates to a Nix Store Path:


4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

args are passed to the builder

    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];

But wait!! What's that $out?

4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

$out is a environment variable passed to the builder that points at the output path designated for this derivation in the Nix Store

4 What is Nix, Really?

Building a derivation

Now we can actually build the derivation

nix-repl> d = derivation {
    system = builtins.currentSystem;
    builder = "${legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.bash}/bin/bash";
    args = ["-c" "declare -xp;echo 'hello world!' > $out"];
    name = "test_package";

nix-repl> :b d

This derivation produced the following outputs:
  out -> /nix/store/0z7i1bkp6p4zy29x82khkgbwch9wfgzi-test_derv

4 What is Nix, Really?

Building a derivation

We can see all Env Vars passed to the builder, including $out!

nix-repl> :log d
declare -x HOME="/homeless-shelter"
declare -x NIX_BUILD_CORES="0"
declare -x NIX_BUILD_TOP="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x NIX_LOG_FD="2"
declare -x NIX_STORE="/nix/store"
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PATH="/path-not-set"
declare -x PWD="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
declare -x TEMP="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x TEMPDIR="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x TERM="xterm-256color"
declare -x TMP="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x TMPDIR="/private/tmp/nix-build-test_derv.drv-0"
declare -x builder="/nix/store/60qp4q78hlg1fsvq4np6iv0gpqrl4v4p-bash-5.2p26/bin/bash"
declare -x name="test_derv"
declare -x out="/nix/store/0z7i1bkp6p4zy29x82khkgbwch9wfgzi-test_derv"
declare -x system="aarch64-darwin"

4 What is Nix, Really?

Building a derivation

And then the output in the Nix Store looks like this

nix-repl> builtins.readFile d
"hello world!\n"

4 What is Nix, Really?

What is a derivation?

In the Nix Store, a derivation path looks like:

▲                              ▲ ▲       ▲
└───────────────┬──────────────┘ └───┬───┘
                │                    │
           NAR Hash              PACKAGE NAME

  • Nar hash: A special type of hash of the derivations input
  • Package name: human readable name


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

Ok, again, way too much info

Yeah... sorry.

Ok, again, way too much

But now you have a firm basis so that actually using Nix doesn't feel like weird magic.

All the other Nix use-cases are programs that take outputs from derivations and symlinks them to somewhere else your system can use them

  • put nix store packages into your PATH
  • link them as configuration files
  • create systemd specifications
  • push a derivation or package to a cache

Let's get practical

Since derivations are so flexible, there's a truly wild number of ways nix is used.


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

5 Flakes!

Since derivations are so flexible, there's a truly wild number of ways nix is used.

5 Flakes!


Flakes are big functions with defined inputs and outputs.


Can be

  • Other Flakes
  • Local Files/Directories
  • Repos
  • Artifacts from the internet

5 Flakes!


Flakes are big functions with defined inputs and outputs.


Can Be

  • Packages
  • Apps
  • Ways to configure nixos machines
  • Developer shells
  • Flake templates
  • Checks for Ci/Tests

5 Flakes!


Basic Example

  description = "A very basic flake";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-unstable";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {

    packages.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello;
    devShells.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.mkShell {
        packages = [

5 Flakes!


There's a few commands to interact with the output of Flakes:

  • nix build: build a derivation or fetch a store path
  • nix develop: run a bash shell that provides the build environment of a derivation
  • nix flake: manage Nix flakes
  • nix profile: manage Nix profiles
  • nix run: run a Nix application
  • nix search: search for packages
  • nix shell: run a shell in which the specified packages are available

5 Flakes!


Flakes are also used for system configuration

darwinConfigurations = let
    workHostName = "Zacharys-MacBook-Pro";
in {

    "${workHostName}" = let
    username = "zdcthomas";
    darwin.lib.darwinSystem rec {
        system = "aarch64-darwin";
        specialArgs = {
        inherit system username overlays inputs workHostName;
        modules = [
        {nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;}

5 Flakes!


You can install/configure programs and system settings

defaults = {
    NSGlobalDomain = {
        AppleShowAllFiles = true;
        NSAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled = false;
        NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled = false;
        NSAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled = false;
        NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = false;
        NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled = false;
        AppleKeyboardUIMode = 3;



  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

6 Basics of NixLang


Nix is all about building Attribute Sets

    foo = "foo";
    bar = 1;
    baz = [1 2 3];

and passing them to derivations.

6 Basics of NixLang


Nix has many wrappers around derivation.


The most common wrapper; mkderivation introduces the concept of phases to the build, that let you specify actions to take at specific times in the creation of the derivation

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "example-website-content";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "jekyll";
    repo = "example";
    rev = "5eb1b902ca3bda6f4b50d4cfcdc7bc0097bac4b7";
    sha256 = "1jw35hmgx2gsaj2ad5f9d9ks4yh601wsxwnb17pmb9j02hl3vgdm";

  installPhase = ''
    export JEKYLL_ENV=production
    ${pkgs.jekyll}/bin/jekyll build --destination $out
  # ^ Phase here

6 Basics of NixLang

Convenience helpers


    writers.writeBashBin "dev_env"
    set -e


    ${aws} sso login --profile $AWS_PROFILE
    AWS_PROFILE=$AWS_PROFILE ${dev_env} --advertiser-api-db ${postgres_url}
  • Easy to use

  • take text (and maybe dependencies)

  • output runnable packages/data

6 Basics of NixLang

Convenience helpers

Language builders

The program that runs this slideshow is called slides.

It already exists in nixpkgs, but here we've built it from source for fun and learning

It uses a helper called buildGoModule (just mkDerivation with some go specific defaults)

6 Basics of NixLang

slides = pkgs.buildGoModule rec {
    pname = "slides";
    version = "0.9.0";

    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
        owner = "maaslalani";
        repo = "slides";
        rev = "f0996f65dd17e43ae49859360e5ca465e2609114";
        sha256 = "sha256-f7c9Gc7GN4xvz7W/Mu5Fq/XjKQ1nou7w8DIZUPv3Zds=";

    nativeCheckInputs = with pkgs; [

    vendorHash = "sha256-oV3UcbOC4y8xWnA5qZGEK/TRdQ4zCeZshgBAs2l+vSY=";

    ldflags = [

    meta = with pkgs.lib; {
        description = "Terminal based presentation tool";
        homepage = "";
        changelog = "${version}";
        license =;
        maintainers = with maintainers; [maaslalani penguwin];


  • 1 What Is Nix
  • 2 Installing Nix
  • 3 Super Basics of Using Nix
  • 4 What is Nix, Really?
  • 5 Flakes!
  • 6 Basics of NixLang

The End!

Good resources

What would be helpful to do next?