Warning: Excessive use of this API may lead to uncontrollable laughter and increased productivity. (Use responsibly)!
Jusgo is a Programmer Joke API built with Golang, Clean Architecture and MongoDB. It provides a dedicated source of jokes tailored to the developer community and it's designed for seamless integration into developer tools and applications.
Our jokes are always up-to-date, even if your code isn't. We promise they won't throw any exceptions :)
90% of Jusgo was built using the Go standard library. In some cases, all you need is the standard library.
✔ Get multiple Jokes(paginated, default: 10)
✔ Get single Joke(by id)
✔ Add a Joke(Admin only)
✔ Update a Joke(Admin only)
✔ Delete a Joke(Admin only)
Live URL(Coming soon)
You'll see this syntax alot in the code (Blasphemy!!!). Well...Http handlers should return errors.
func functionName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
Send me a PR if you know a good joke :)