Tools in this package are designed to be used within CMSSW framework to produce compact "flat" ntuples and/or skim data. The package consists of the following major parts:

  • InfoProducers - code needed to add information to edm::Event that is not present in the input data

  • Filters - tools needed to skim events. The selection may depend on information prepared by InfoProducers

  • NtupleMakers - final "flat" ntuple producers for specific analysis needs. These are typically small ntuples targeted to a single analysis or a few analyses with similar signatures.

To simplify code we assume that the input data are in MiniAOD format. If for some reason we need to access AOD/RECO/Full level of information we should produce MiniAOD on the fly.

Core/ is a special area where we keep framework independent code that can be used in other frameworks. Only dependences on ROOT and standard C++ libraries are allowed.


  • Produce extra information and skim data. Output is in EDM format keeping all objects.

cmsRun NtupleTools/InfoProducers/test/

  • Produce MonoJet ntuples cmsRun NtupleTools/NtupleMakers/test/

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