Calliper frontend take-home task

In this task you're presented with an API backend of chart data, comments and sharing. The task is to build a frontend that displays the chart and allows users to add comments and share the chart.

Running the backend


Install Docker.


Run docker-compose build - might take a while for frontend to build.

#### Connecting frontend to different backend

Create an .env file in the root of the project with the following:


See .env.sample for an example.


Run docker-compose up - wait until yo see "frontend | Compiled successfully!" message; loads in around a 2-3 minutes.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.

To launch only the backend - run docker-compose up backend

Project structure

backend folder hosts FastAPI backend.

  • has integration tests
  • services/ has unit tests for thes comments service
  • locks are used to prevent race conditions, e.g. multiple comment threads attached to the same chart data point or overwriting the comments

frontend folder hosts React/Typescript frontend.

Domain Model

Bar chart is used for the test task. Countries are on the X axis, Features are on the Y axis.

Chart Domain

  • ChartDataPoint represents single point on the plot
  • ChartDataFeature is an enum with all available features
  • Country is an enum with all available features

Comment Domain

  • CommentThread represents a single thread attached to chart
  • Comment represents an entry within a thread

Backend API

Backend API runs on http://localhost:8000

Common backend-exposed type signatures

type ChartDataFeature = 'hotdog' | 'burger' | 'sandwitch' | 'kebab' | 'fries' | 'donut';

type Country = 'FR' | 'GB' | 'BE' | 'DE' | 'ES' | 'IT'

type ChartDataPoint = {
  feature: ChartDataFeature;
  country: Country;

type CommentThread = {
  id: string;
  comments_count: number;
  chart_data_point: ChartDataPoint[];

type Comment = {
  user_name: string;
  text: string;

GET /chart/data

Returns chart data formatted to be ready-for-consumption.

type ChartDataResponse = {
  country: Country;
  [key: ChartDataFeature]: number;

GET /chart/comment_threads

Returns a list of comment threads,

type CommentThreadsResponse = CommentThread[]

GET /chart/comment_threads/:thread_id

Returns a list of comments in a thread

type CommentThreadResponse = CommentThread & {
    comments: Comment[];

POST /chart/comment_threads

Creates a new comment thread, responds with CommentThreadResponse

type CreateThreadRequest = {
  comment: Comment;
  data_point: ChartDataPoint;

POST /chart/comment_threads/:thread_id/respond

Posts a new comment to a thread, responds with CommentThreadResponse

type RespondToCommentThreadRequest = {
  comment: Comment;

GET /share

Returns a shareable link for a chart

type ShareResponse = {
  token: string;

GET /chart/shared/:share_id

Returns chart data by token, responds with ChartDataResponse