A BitTorrent client written in Python. Supports multi-file torrents and implements a rarest-first piece download strategy.
- aarondiazrMexico
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- as1nduKampala, Uganda
- bigsnarfdudeCanada
- bitcoinsfacil
- dust8
- elderhsouzaSão Paulo / SP - Brasil
- evandertinoFoursquare
- fieuFrance
- GeorgeFedoseevwayve.ai
- Horace89http://www.inspeer.com
- kastephBerlin
- ldongSunnyvale, CA
- ljdawn
- LukeMurpheySplunk
- mariusruganLLUMINARR
- mattrices
- PTW-105
- s4chin
- sgoe1
- sonlia
- soulinahChengdu, Sichuan, P.R. of China
- The-GuptaBosch
- TheodoreKryptonUnemployed
- WalkerWang731Singapore
- Wen777
- wolfhechelSveriges Television, Stockholm
- xihuai18Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- zuik