
Python client for sending metrics to Telegraf

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python client for sending metrics to Telegraf inspired by pystatsd

Build Status

Designed to work with Telegraf UDP listener input plugin. https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/udp_listener

Pytelegraf outputs InfluxDB line protocol https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v0.13/write_protocols/line/

If you find this library useful please let me know https://twitter.com/joonapaak

How to install

pip install pytelegraf


from telegraf.client import TelegrafClient
client = TelegrafClient(host='localhost', port=8092)

# Records a single value with no tags
client.metric('some_metric', 123)

# Records a three values with different data types
client.metric('some_metric', {'value_a': 100, 'value_b': 100, 'value_c': True})

# Records a single value with one tag
client.metric('some_metric', 123, tags={'server_name': 'my-server'})

Global tags

The client can be initialized with global tags that will be sent with every metric implicitly

This is useful for adding tagging metrics by host or app

client = TelegrafClient(host='localhost', port=8092, tags={'host': 'my-host-001'})

# Records a single value
client.metric('some_metric', 123)

Because client was initialized with tags the metric contains them too so the line that was sent to Telegraf looks like this

some_metric,host=my-host-001 value=123i

Global tags can be overridden by defining them when sending a metric

# Records a single value with host tag
client.metric('some_metric', 123, tags={'host':'another-host-001', 'some_tag':'some_value'})

Will send the following line

some_metric,host=another-host-001,some_tag=some_value value=123i

Telegraf configuration

Just follow the sample configuration https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/udp_listener

  service_address = "localhost:8092"
  allowed_pending_messages = 10000
  data_format = "influx"

Using with Django

Define configuration in Django settings

TELEGRAF_HOST = 'localhost'
TELEGRAF_TAGS = {'some-global-tag': 'some-value'}

Then use the client in code

from telegraf.defaults.django import telegraf

telegraf.metric('some-metric', 1)

How to develop

  • Clone or fork this repo
  • Make changes
  • Run tests with python setup.py test
  • Submit a pull request