
A better Music. Ultra for Apple Music is a client with themes, personalized settings and more.

Primary LanguageSwift

Apple Music Ultra

Ultra for Apple Music

A custom Apple Music client with themes, personalized settings and more.


Apple Music Ultra

Ultra for Apple Music is a personalized Music client with custom themes, settings and more using CSS->JavaScript injection through the beautiful object that is WKWebView.

Ultra-v0.3.zip (5.5MB) build 3

Left-click Ultra for Apple Music.app > Open to bypass the App Store wall & drag-drop to /Applications if you want to keep it after trying. 🤗

Updating from an older version? Drag and drop to /Applications and click Replace.

This app is currently under heavy development


Allow users to personalize their Apple Music with customization.

Basic Syntax: setTheme(Style, darkMode: Bool, media: Any, type: String)


Apple Music Ultra Styles are the top-layer effects that appear over every theme type. Using setTheme, they can be set to overlap your object-based theme to add some vibrant effects; or alternatively, they can be set to blur your system background using the built-in function setTransparentTheme().

Tansparent: setTheme(NSVisualEffectView.Material, darkMode: Bool, media: nil, type: "transparent")

with Object: setTheme(NSVisualEffectView.Material, darkMode: Bool, media: Object, type: String)

Custom Themes

Apple Music Ultra Setting a custom, user-selected image is as simple as prompting the user for the URL path of their file:// and setting it as the media property.

let imageURL = selectImageFile()
setTheme(NSVisualEffectView.Material, darkMode: Bool, media: imageURL, type: "image")
func selectImageFile() -> URL {
    let dialog = NSOpenPanel()
    dialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    dialog.allowedFileTypes = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]
    if (dialog.runModal() == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK) {
        if let result = dialog.url?.absoluteURL { return result }

UI Appearance

Each theme has a darkMode: Bool property that sets the Music Web PlayerBETA Light/Dark mode.

darkMode = true    // Force Dark Mode
darkMode = false   // Force Light Mode

Just wanted to give a shout out to the devs behind the Web Player for designing this beautiful web app. The design of the UI seems to conform to its containers' AppleInterfaceStyle. Meaning everything in the web app has a Light mode and Dark mode property and conforms to whatever the theme mode is set to.

Thus, this property's main function is to toggle the Light/Dark mode of the Music Web PlayerBETA

Structure for now...

let fx = NSVisualEffectView.Material

struct Style {                                 //                          rawValue
    static let preset   = fx.appearanceBased   // Default Preset               0
    // Light Mode Styles                       LIGHT
    static let frosty   = fx.sheet             // Frosty       (Opaque)        11
    static let bright   = fx.mediumLight       // Bright       (Middle)        8
    static let energy   = fx.light             // Vibrant      (Transparent)   1
    // Dark Mode Styles                        DARK
    static let cloudy   = fx.ultraDark         // Cloudy       (Opaque)        9
    static let dark     = fx.toolTip           // Dark         (Middle)        17
    static let vibrant  = fx.dark              // Vibrant      (Transparent)   2


Assignment due at midnight, brb.


Requires macOS 10.14 or later.

Please note that the app is being built with Swift 5.