- 原node-xlsx不支持样式,所以这里将复fork过来后,更新xlsx库和增加样式的功能。(The original node-xlsx does not support styles, so after the fork, it will update the xlsx library and add styles.)
- 原来默认使用的是xlsx这个包,现在使用xlsx-js-style替换它,但是这个增加了对样式的支持(Originally, the xlsx package was used by default, and now it is replaced by xlsx-js-style, but this adds support for styles)
- 增加了能单元格类型的导出。(Added ability to export cell types.)
变更记录(change log)
- v0.1.0
- readme增加style api和单元格的样式示例(Readme adds style api and cell style examples)
- v0.0.5
- 增加所有xlsx-js-style中的type与interface的定义(Add the definition of type and interface in all xlsx-js-style)
- v0.0.4
- 修复没有导出原有xlsx-js-style接口函数的功能(Fixed the function of not exporting the original xlsx-js-style interface function)
- 这个nodexlsx在原有的xlsx-js-style上面,增加了parse, parseMetadata, build三个函数(his nodexlsx adds three functions: parse, parseMetadata, and build to the original xlsx-js-style)
- 增加了nodexlsx属性(Added nodexlsx attribute)
Straightforward excel file parser and builder.
- Relies on SheetJS xlsx module to parse/build excel sheets.
- Built with TypeScript for static type checking with exported types along the library.
npm i @zdhsoft/nodexlsx
Style API
Cell Style Example
// STEP 1: Create a new workbook
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
// STEP 2: Create data rows and styles
let row = [
{ v: "Courier: 24", t: "s", s: { font: { name: "Courier", sz: 24 } } },
{ v: "bold & color", t: "s", s: { font: { bold: true, color: { rgb: "FF0000" } } } },
{ v: "fill: color", t: "s", s: { fill: { fgColor: { rgb: "E9E9E9" } } } },
{ v: "line\nbreak", t: "s", s: { alignment: { wrapText: true } } },
// STEP 3: Create worksheet with rows; Add worksheet to workbook
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([row]);
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "readme demo");
// STEP 4: Write Excel file to browser
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "xlsx-js-style-demo.xlsx");
Cell Style Properties
- Cell styles are specified by a style object that roughly parallels the OpenXML structure.
- Style properties currently supported are:
Style Prop | Sub Prop | Default | Description/Values |
alignment |
vertical |
bottom |
"top" or "center" or "bottom" |
horizontal |
left |
"left" or "center" or "right" |
wrapText |
false |
true or false |
textRotation |
0 |
0 to 180 , or 255 // 180 is rotated down 180 degrees, 255 is special, aligned vertically |
border |
top |
{ style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_STYLE } |
bottom |
{ style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_STYLE } |
left |
{ style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_STYLE } |
right |
{ style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_STYLE } |
diagonal |
{ style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_STYLE, diagonalUp: true/false, diagonalDown: true/false } |
fill |
patternType |
"none" |
"solid" or "none" |
fgColor |
foreground color: see COLOR_STYLE |
bgColor |
background color: see COLOR_STYLE |
font |
bold |
false |
font bold true or false |
color |
font color COLOR_STYLE |
italic |
false |
font italic true or false |
name |
"Calibri" |
font name | |
strike |
false |
font strikethrough true or false |
sz |
"11" |
font size (points) | |
underline |
false |
font underline true or false |
vertAlign |
"superscript" or "subscript" |
numFmt |
0 |
Ex: "0" // integer index to built in formats, see StyleBuilder.SSF property |
Ex: "0.00%" // string matching a built-in format, see StyleBuilder.SSF |
Ex: "0.0%" // string specifying a custom format |
Ex: "0.00%;\\(0.00%\\);\\-;@" // string specifying a custom format, escaping special characters |
Ex: "m/dd/yy" // string a date format using Excel's format notation |
{object} Properties
Colors for border
, fill
, font
are specified as an name/value object - use one of the following:
Color Prop | Description | Example |
rgb |
hex RGB value | {rgb: "FFCC00"} |
theme |
theme color index | {theme: 4} // (0-n) // Theme color index 4 ("Blue, Accent 1") |
tint |
tint by percent | {theme: 1, tint: 0.4} // ("Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 40%") |
{string} Properties
Border style property is one of the following values:
Border Notes
Borders for merged areas are specified for each cell within the merged area. For example, to apply a box border to a merged area of 3x3 cells, border styles would need to be specified for eight different cells:
- left borders (for the three cells on the left)
- right borders (for the cells on the right)
- top borders (for the cells on the top)
- bottom borders (for the cells on the left)
Parse an xlsx file
import xlsx from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
// Or var xlsx = require('@zdhsoft/nodexlsx').default;
// Parse a buffer
const workSheetsFromBuffer = xlsx.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/myFile.xlsx`));
// Parse a file
const workSheetsFromFile = xlsx.parse(`${__dirname}/myFile.xlsx`);
Build an xlsx file
import xlsx from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
// Or var xlsx = require('node-xlsx').default;
const data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[true, false, null, 'sheetjs'],
['foo', 'bar', new Date('2014-02-19T14:30Z'), '0.3'],
['baz', null, 'qux'],
var buffer = xlsx.build([{name: 'mySheetName', data: data}]); // Returns a buffer
Custom column width
import xlsx from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
// Or var xlsx = require('@zdhsoft/nodexlsx').default;
const data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[true, false, null, 'sheetjs'],
['foo', 'bar', new Date('2014-02-19T14:30Z'), '0.3'],
['baz', null, 'qux'],
const sheetOptions = {'!cols': [{wch: 6}, {wch: 7}, {wch: 10}, {wch: 20}]};
var buffer = xlsx.build([{name: 'mySheetName', data: data}], {sheetOptions}); // Returns a buffer
in every sheets
Spanning multiple rows import xlsx from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
// Or var xlsx = require('@zdhsoft/nodexlsx').default;
const data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[true, false, null, 'sheetjs'],
['foo', 'bar', new Date('2014-02-19T14:30Z'), '0.3'],
['baz', null, 'qux'],
const range = {s: {c: 0, r: 0}, e: {c: 0, r: 3}}; // A1:A4
const sheetOptions = {'!merges': [range]};
var buffer = xlsx.build([{name: 'mySheetName', data: data}], {sheetOptions}); // Returns a buffer
in second sheet
Spanning multiple rows import xlsx from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
// Or var xlsx = require('@zdhsoft/nodexlsx').default;
const dataSheet1 = [
[1, 2, 3],
[true, false, null, 'sheetjs'],
['foo', 'bar', new Date('2014-02-19T14:30Z'), '0.3'],
['baz', null, 'qux'],
const dataSheet2 = [
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9, 10],
[11, 12, 13, 14],
['baz', null, 'qux'],
const range = {s: {c: 0, r: 0}, e: {c: 0, r: 3}}; // A1:A4
const sheetOptions = {'!merges': [range]};
var buffer = xlsx.build([
{name: 'myFirstSheet', data: dataSheet1},
{name: 'mySecondSheet', data: dataSheet2, options: sheetOptions},
]); // Returns a buffer
// typescript的代码
import {TCellType, nodexlsx, CellStyle, WorkSheetOptions} from '@zdhsoft/nodexlsx';
import fs from 'fs';
function simpleExcel() {
const sheetOptions: WorkSheetOptions = {
'!cols': [{wch: 6}, {wch: 30}, {wch: 10}, {wch: 15}, {wch: 10}, {wch: 10}],
'!merges': [
{s: {c: 0, r: 0}, e: {c: 2, r: 0}},
{s: {c: 3, r: 0}, e: {c: 5, r: 0}},
const s: CellStyle = {
alignment: {
horizontal: 'center', // 水平居中
vertical: 'center', // 垂直居中
const contentCellStyle: CellStyle = {
border: {
top: {
style: 'dashDot',
color: {rgb: '00ff00'},
bottom: {
style: 'medium',
color: {rgb: '0000ff'},
left: {
style: 'medium',
color: {rgb: 'ff0000'},
right: {
style: 'medium',
color: {rgb: '770066'},
// 指定标题单元格样式:加粗居中
const headerStyle: CellStyle = {
font: {
bold: true,
alignment: {
horizontal: 'center',
const title: TCellType[] = ['序号', '名称', '年级', {v: '任课老师', s}, '学生数量', '已报名数量'];
const title1: TCellType[] = [{v: '天下无难事', s: headerStyle}, null, null, '右边', null];
const value: TCellType[] = [1, 'test', 9, {v: '张老师', s: contentCellStyle}, 10, 99];
const rows: TCellType[][] = [];
const data = nodexlsx.build([{name: '社团列表', data: rows, options: sheetOptions}]);
const outFileName = 'd:\\temp\\a.xlsx';
fs.writeFileSync(outFileName, data);
console.info('生成' + outFileName + ' ok!');
return true;
Beware that if you try to merge several times the same cell, your xlsx file will be seen as corrupted.
- Using Primitive Object Notation Data values can also be specified in a non-abstracted representation.
const rowAverage = [[{t: 'n', z: 10, f: '=AVERAGE(2:2)'}], [1, 2, 3]];
var buffer = xlsx.build([{name: 'Average Formula', data: rowAverage}]);
Refer to xlsx documentation for valid structure and values:
This library requires at least node.js v10. For legacy versions, you can use this workaround before using the lib.
npm i --save object-assign
Object.prototype.assign = require('object-assign');
Please submit all pull requests the against master branch. If your unit test contains javascript patches or features, you should include relevant unit tests. Thanks!
Available scripts
Script | Description |
start | Alias of test:watch |
test | Run mocha unit tests |
test:watch | Run and watch mocha unit tests |
lint | Run eslint static tests |
compile | Compile the library |
compile:watch | Compile and watch the library |
Olivier Louvignes
Copyright and license
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Olivier Louvignes
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Except where noted, this license applies to any and all software programs and associated documentation files created by the Original Author and distributed with the Software:
Inspired by SheetJS gist examples, Copyright (c) SheetJS.