
Embed C code at compile time inside Rust using C2Rust

Primary LanguageRust


embed-c is a crate that allows you to embed C code inside Rust code files. The C code is translated into Rust code at compile time using C2Rust, which means that it is fully interoperable with Rust. C code can call Rust code, and vice-versa.

Basic usage


use embed_c::embed_c;

embed_c! {
    int add(int x, int y) {
        return x + y;

fn main() {
    let x = unsafe { add(1, 2) };
    println!("{}", x);


The library is not yet on crates.io. Clone the repository somewhere and set it up:

git clone https://github.com/zdimension/embed-c.git
cd embed-c
git submodule update --init c2rust
cp Cargo.lock ..
cd ..

and add this to your Cargo.toml:

embed-c = { path = "./embed-c", version = "0.1" }

c2rust-transpile = { path = "./embed-c/c2rust/c2rust-transpile" }

NOTE: this crate is designed to work for the nightly-2019-12-05 version of Rust, so put this in your rust-toolchain.toml:

channel = "nightly-2019-12-05"

And change the package.edition setting in your Cargo.toml to be "2018":

edition = "2018"

If you get errors about the matches! macro, or from the half or rustc_demangle crates, copy the Cargo.lock file to your project root again.

Usage details

The example at the top is translated into:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn add(mut x: libc::c_int, mut y: libc::c_int)
 -> libc::c_int {
    return x + y;

fn main() {
    let x = unsafe { add(1, 2) };
    println!("{}", x);

The #![feature(rustc_private)] bit is required since the crate uses internal features while not being loaded from crates.io.

See more examples in src/lib.rs.

embed_c! {
    void send(to, from, count)
        register short *to, *from;
        register count;
        register n = (count + 7) / 8;
        switch (count % 8) {
        case 0: do { *to++ = *from++;
        case 7:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 6:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 5:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 4:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 3:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 2:      *to++ = *from++;
        case 1:      *to++ = *from++;
                } while (--n > 0);

fn main() {
    let mut source = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    let mut dest = [0; 10];
    unsafe { send(dest.as_mut_ptr(), source.as_mut_ptr(), 10); };
    assert_eq!(source, dest);

Here, the send function becomes:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn send(mut to: *mut libc::c_short,
                              mut from: *mut libc::c_short,
                              mut count: libc::c_int) {
    let mut n: libc::c_int = (count + 7 as libc::c_int) / 8 as libc::c_int;
    let mut current_block_7: u64;
    match count % 8 as libc::c_int {
        0 => { current_block_7 = 8258075665625361029; }
        7 => { current_block_7 = 8412423308551259261; }
        6 => { current_block_7 = 15077176690991321518; }
        1 => { current_block_7 = 14053040055230693409; }
        _ => { current_block_7 = 13586036798005543211; }
    loop  {
        match current_block_7 {
            13586036798005543211 => { return; }
            8258075665625361029 => {
                let fresh0 = from;
                from = from.offset(1);
                let fresh1 = to;
                to = to.offset(1);
                *fresh1 = *fresh0;
                current_block_7 = 8412423308551259261;
            8412423308551259261 => ...
            _ => {
                let fresh14 = from;
                from = from.offset(1);
                let fresh15 = to;
                to = to.offset(1);
                *fresh15 = *fresh14;
                n -= 1;
                if n > 0 as libc::c_int {
                    current_block_7 = 8258075665625361029;
                } else { current_block_7 = 13586036798005543211; }

As you can see, the interweaved switch-do construct is transpiled into a very idiomatic Rust function through the use of pattern matching. You may not like it, but this is what peak functional programming looks like.






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