
By intentionally design a fragile component piece inside your application achitecture, and make it fail fast. This protects the system as a whole.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

This is a example for https://medium.com/zdjohn/making-resilient-service-using-akka-net-5434e28f87c8

The main prupose is to showcase using kensis + akka.net remote to build a self healing service that can replay events all by itself from the time of critical failure.

DDD Sydney Talk slides:


in side example there is two types of processor:

  • dummy processor
  • kcl processor

you can pick the one you would like to try by updating autofac code here: https://github.com/zdjohn/akka-remote-kcl-exapmle/blob/master/IngestionService/Config/Dependencies.cs


setup your kinesis:

you will need to have a aws account and kinesis stream available in order to have kenisis processor working: see more detailed documentation here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/streams/latest/dev/before-you-begin.html

see required setting in app settings:


    <add key="access_key" value="your_aws_access_key" />
    <add key="secret" value="your_aws_access_secret" />
    <add key="jars_folder" value="jars" />
    <add key="javaExcutable" value="C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe" />
    <add key="processorName" value="KCL.Processor"/>

How to run


you will need to use visual studio 2017

how to simulate failure:

inside solution there is a healthy.txt file, which sample health checker checking against.

by: rm ./your_project_path/bin/debug/health.txt

it will trigger health checker fail, resulting exteral processor shutdown.

by: New-Item ./your_project_path/bin/debug/health.txt

will help you resotre health status, then restore whole processor solution

dependency The nuget package of AWS_KCL_DOTNET is compiled from the branch:


you can run build.ps1 to get the same nuget i am using in this example.

I rased issue: awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client-net#14 if you like it, or you have any thought, please comment along. kinesis need more dotnet love. :-)

By intentionally design a fragile component piece inside your application achitecture, and make it fail fast. This protects the system as a whole.


Happy coding!