
Yet Another OAuth2 Server for WordPress (YAOS4WP)

Primary LanguagePHP


Yet Another OAuth2 Server for WordPress (YAOS4WP)


  1. Upload zip file via WP-Admin interface; Activate it
  2. Create a private key openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
  3. Create a public key openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout > public.key
  4. WordPress likes keys to have a particular permissions: sudo chmod 600 *.key
  5. Run the following in: path/to/wp-content/plugins
composer require league/oauth2-server
composer require nyholm/psr7

Testing the authorization request via a Web Browser (it's possible with cURL -L, but you have to sift through response HTML for the code)

Replace [YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP] and [YOUR_PORT]. Replace the "redirect_uri" parameter with your desired URI (for mobile apps you can register a DeepLink to handle this)


For example:


Testing the 'authorization_code' grant_type example

Send the following cURL request. Replace [YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP] and [YOUR_PORT]. Replace [CODE] with the response code from previous authorization request above, and replace [REDIRECT_URI] with the same redirect_uri value used in the previous authorization request above:

curl -X POST "http://[YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP]:[YOUR_PORT]/yaos4wp/token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" \
  --data-urlencode "code=[CODE]" \
  --data-urlencode "client_id=myawesomeapp" \
  --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]"

Testing an authorized resource request

Send the following cURL request. Replace [YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP] and [YOUR_PORT]. Replace [BEARER_TOKEN] with the Bearer Token from previous 'authorization_code' grant_type request above:

curl  "http://[YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP]:[YOUR_PORT]/wp-json/dt/v1/contacts" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer [BEARER_TOKEN]"

Testing the 'refresh_token' grant_type example

Send the following cURL request. Replace [YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP] and [YOUR_PORT]. Replace [REFRESH_TOKEN] with the Refresh Token from previous 'authorization_code' grant_type request above:

curl -X POST "http://[YOUR_DOMAIN_OR_IP]:[YOUR_PORT]/yaos4wp/token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" \
  --data-urlencode "client_id=myawesomeapp" \
  --data-urlencode "refresh_token=[REFRESH_TOKEN]"