
Source code for projectatomic.io

Primary LanguageHTML

Atomic project website

This website is built on Middleman, a static site generator. See below for quick instructions:

To get started, you need to have Ruby and Ruby Gems installed, as well as "bundler".

Initial setup

On an rpm based distribution:

sudo yum install -y ruby-devel rubygems gcc-c++ curl-devel rubygem-bundler
git clone http://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-site.git
cd atomic-site
bundle install

Running a local server

  1. Start a local Middleman server that uses local gems by typing bundle exec middleman server

    (Note: 'server' is optional, but it helps if you're going through command-history in bash or zsh with control-r, versus other middleman commands like console, build, or deploy)

  2. Next, browse to

  3. Edit!

    When you edit files (pages, layouts, CSS, etc.), the site will dynamically update in development mode. (There's no need to refresh the page, unless you get a Ruby error.)


When there are new gems in Gemfile, just run bundle again.

Customizing your site

The site can be easily customized by editing data/site.yml.

Adding a Post

To add a post to the community blog (or any blog managed by middleman) use:

bundle middleman article TITLE

Build your static site

After getting it how you want, you can build the static site by running:

bundle exec middleman build

(If you have middleman in your path, you can just run middleman build.)


Setting up deployment

FIXME: Right now, please reference <data/site.yml>

Actual deployment

After copying your public key to the remote server and configuring your site in <data/site.yml>, deployment is one simple command:

bundle exec middleman deploy

Add new features (parsers, etc.)

Simply add a new gem 'some-gem-here' line in the Gemfile and run bundle install

More info

For more information, please check the excellent Middleman documentation