zdplayground's Following
- abinashpunDiscover Financial Services
- ACTCollaboration
- Ashlou
- bhishanpdlhttps://www.lashgroup.com/
- cheng-zhaoTsinghua University
- cmbantUniversity of Sussex
- dfmNYC
- fbeutlerInstitute for Astronomy
- gioacchinowangShanghai Jiao Tong University
- hectorgilInstitut de Ciencies del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona
- HuaiYu1999
- jameskermodeUniversity of Warwick
- joezuntz
- lgarrisonScientific Computing Core, Flatiron Institute
- martinjameswhite
- mehdirezaieKansas State
- moustakasSiena College
- nickhandPhiladelphia, PA
- phillipproTsung-Dao Lee Institute
- pierrexyz
- rainwoodmanLoon R&D
- rasbt@Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison
- RezaKatebiOhio University
- RKPandit
- saitosmstMissouri University of Science and Technology
- seshnadathurPortsmouth, UK
- sheejongOhio University
- sierraportaColombia
- xfangcosmoUC Berkeley
- Yangqing@leptonai