Time to put your newfound mocha knowledge to the test! In this project you'll be following what is now a familiar pattern - running automated tests and writing code to pass those tests. The difference this time round is that we will only provide very minimal written information for the code you'll be writing. This project will revolve around reading the provided tests and then writing code to pass those tests.
We've provided you with a skeleton for a JavaScript version of the famous
Towers of Hanoi game. If you've never played the game take a moment to
watch a quick video of how it is played or check out this playable
version (beware the game has sound). For the version we are building, a game of
Towers of Hanoi will be played using three towers and using three pieces which
we'll refer to as disks
from now on.
Once you've downloaded the skeleton make sure you npm install
to install the
dependencies the tests will rely on. We'll be using Chai
combination with chai-spies
as our assertion libraries for this
project so we recommend keeping both documentation pages open. The tests you'll
be working on will be in the test/game-spec.js
file and you'll be doing all
your work within the hanoi/hanoi-game.js
file. You will not need to specify
any new methods upon the HanoiGame
class - just fill in empty methods
Carefully read each spec and concentrate on passing them one at a time in the
order they are written. As always, to run the specs use the mocha
command in
the top level directory.
You got this! Once you've passed all the specs feel free to play a game of Hanoi
in your terminal by running node hanoi/play-script.js
before moving on to the
next project.