
Utilities for provisioning hardware to use https://github.com/manuelruder/artistic-videos

Primary LanguageShell

This is a small collection of utility scripts to set up and run manuelruder's artistic-videos.



Rent something with apt-get, cuda, and a lot of GPU memory. Bitfusion Ubuntu 14 TensorFlow running on a g2.2xlarge works well (these are about $1/hour, so be careful). This has Cuda and cuDNN pre-installed which are somewhat tedious to configure so it's worth the few cents.


  1. Connect to host: ssh -i "<your AWS pem file>" ec2-user@<you>.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  2. Install git sudo yum install git
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Run install.sh


  1. Upload content (the images you wish to re-draw) to ~/conent
  2. Upload styles (the styles in which you wish to re-draw your content images) to ~/styles
  3. Run run.sh, which will render all images in all styles, and output to ~/output
  4. Once finished, download results with scp -i "<your AWS pem file>" "ec2-user@<you>.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/home/ec2-user/output/*" ./
