
Language Model Course Project - 2018 Fall - Machine Learning for NLP

Primary LanguagePython


Language Model Course Project

Train a model:

python main.py -mode train -saved_model models/model.h5 -student_id 12345678 -epochs 1 -batch_size 32 -embedding_dim 100 -hidden_size 500 -drop 0.5

Generate prediction for valid.csv:

python main.py -mode test -saved_model models/model.h5 -input data/valid.csv -student_id 12345678

Evaluate performance of your model:

python scorer.py -submission 12345678_valid_result.csv

Once you have finished tuning your model, you can make a submission for test.csv:

python main.py -mode test -saved_model models/model.h5 -input data/test.csv -student_id 12345678