AI cell evolution simulation
- Using nannou engine for 2D graphics and audio.
- Using rust for the simulation engine.
- Using a custom made genetic algorithm for the evolution of the cells.
- Using a custom made neural network for the brain of the cells.
- Using a custom made DNA for the genetic code of the cells.
- Using a custom made world for the environment of the cells.
- Using a simple matrix based collision system for the cells.
- Using a custom save system for the simulation.
- Using nannou for the UI.
How to run
Refer to nannou's installation for any OS specific dependencies.
cargo run
Create a build cadidate
cargo run --release
- DNA defines brain's weights and connexions
- DNA hash
- genetic mutation while living (reproduce the concept of aging AKA flaky DNA)
- Cells have organ system which gives bonus or malus to their possibilities, those system are DNA defined so that mutation can cause desease or super power
- world chages
- reproduction (with DNA merge)
- create a world
- create a cell
- create a brain
- create a DNA
- create a DNA hash
- create a DNA mutation concept while living
- create a DNA merge function
- create a reproduction
Environment concepts (world)
- world is a 2D grid
- each grid has attributes
- multiple attributes can be found on the same grid position
- everything transform, no delition (death doesn't mean just a removal of the object, consumption is a transformation)
Neural inputs
- own energy
- tile energy
- left tile energy
- right tile energy
- top tile energy
- bottom tile energy
Technical notes
Get colors from brain weights config
sha2 = "0.9"
hex = "0.4"
palette = "0.6"
extern crate sha2;
extern crate hex;
extern crate palette;
use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
use palette::{Srgb, Shade};
fn main() {
let complex_object = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let result = hasher.finalize();
let hex_string = hex::encode(result);
// Take first 6 characters to form a color code
let color_code = &hex_string[0..6];
println!("Color Code: #{}", color_code);
// Convert to RGB color using `palette`
let color: Srgb<u8> = Srgb::new(
u8::from_str_radix(&color_code[0..2], 16).unwrap(),
u8::from_str_radix(&color_code[2..4], 16).unwrap(),
u8::from_str_radix(&color_code[4..6], 16).unwrap(),
println!("RGB Color: {:?}", color);