
Can be parsed or not by whatwg url module.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Can be parsed or not by whatwg url module.


whatwg-url constructor throw error for normal string. is-whatwg-url is just validater for whatwg-url constructor.


const isURL = require('is-whatwg-url');
const { URL } = require('url');

isURL('apple'); // false
new URL('apple'); // throw Error Invalid URL

isURL('/apple'); // false
new URL('/apple'); // throw Error Invalid URL

isURL('//apple'); // false
new URL('//apple'); // throw Error Invalid URL

isURL('://apple'); // false
new URL('://apple'); // throw Error Invalid URL

isURL('a://apple'); // true
new URL('a://apple'); // success

isURL('a://apple://banana'); // true
new URL('a://apple://banana'); // success

How it works

check input string have protocol:// prefix. protocol should not be empty string.


This module does not guarantee that input is URL or not. It just check can be parsed or not.


consider using try-catch instead of this is-whatwg-url module.

let url;
try {
  url = new URL('apple');
} catch (err) {
  url = null;
