
coffeeshop-Gabor-T-T created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC#


Coffee shop assignment

Goal: to have a recap at inheritance, override, abstract, interface and do some simple programming

You are implementing a system for a coffeshop that support their business to keep track of the coffee orders. Until now the shop only sell one type of coffee and therefore only have one class named “coffee” in the It system. But now the owner wants to sell different kind of coffee e.g. Latte and Cortado etc. It’s your job to create and implements these new drinks in the system.

The Coffee class has one public method “Price”, which returns the price of the coffee. It returns 20 (Danish kroner)

Below are all the tasks that should be solved by you.

1 Black coffee

Create a new class “BlackCoffee” that inherit from the “Coffee” class.

2 Latte

Create a new class “Latte” that inherit from the “Coffee” class.

The price of a latte is 40 dkr. So you have to override the Price method and return the new price.

3 Cortado

Create a new class “Cortado” that inherit from the “Coffee” class.

The price of a Cortado is 25 dkr.

4 Change the coffee class

Because we now have these specialized classes it dosen’t make sense anymore to have an object of the coffee class.

Make the coffee class abstract.

Make an abstract method in the coffee class called “Strength”, it returns a string. Strength says how strong the coffee is and can have one of the values “Weak”, “Medium”, “Strong”

Implement the method in the specialized classes and return the following values according to the schema below

Coffee Strength
BlackCoffee Strong
Cortado Medium
Latte Weak

5 Create an interface

The owner of the coffee shop would like to have a way to see how much ml of milk the milk drinks contains.

Implement an interface called “IMilk” that tells how much milk the coffee have. The interface have one method “mlMilk” that returns an int.

Implement the “Milk” interface at the “Cortado” and “Latte” class according to the schema below

Coffee MlMilk
Cortado 40
Latte 200

6 Add coffedrinks to the orderlist

Now create some different coffee objects

Create a list so it could consist of all off the coffee drinks.

Foreach over the list and print out the price and strength for every object.

7 Add a discount property

The shop owner now wants a way to give discount then people order a coffee.

Implement a property discount in the coffee class.

Also implement a constructor at the coffee class to set the discount.

Also implement the constructor at the specialized classes.

**new The price method have to handle the discount for the coffee, so the price is correct **new If the discount is bigger than 5 kr. Raise an exception

8 extra Add only coffee with milks list

Create a new list that only can consists of coffee with milk. Which type should the list have? add some objects to the list.

9 extra add more coffees

Add one or more classes that inherit from the coffee class e.g. a “Flat White”

10 extra extend the classes with more functionality

Add one or more properties to the classes e.g. so that you have the possibility to decide which type of coffee blend your coffee should be brewed upon. For inspiration look at https://coffeecollective.dk/shop/ at espresso to see some different coffee blends.