gulp - nunjuck - sass template
StartingRender Nunjucks + SASS templates
This is the template for starting projects on the Nunjucks + SASS engine.
How to use: install packages yarn
or npm i
. Then:
Default task:
yarn start
- launches the default task, starts the server on localhost:3000, monitors changes and automatically reloads the page in the browser.yarn build
- Compiles the assets
File structure:
I use this structure, you're free to use another one
|——public/ --compiled assets
| |——css/
| |——img/
| |——js/
| |——index.html
| |——img/
| |——js/
| |——sass/ --styles
| | |——components/
| | | |——button.scss
| | | |——input.scss
| | | |——sidebar.scss
| | |——pages/
| | | |——about-us.scss
| | | |——index.scss
| | |——styles.scss --global styles and imports
| | |——variables.scss
| |——templates/
| | |——shared/ --shared components and macro
| | | |——components/
| | | | |——header.nunj
| | | | |——footer.nunj
| | | | |——sidebar.nunj
| | | |——macro/ -- nunj macro
| | |——template-pages/ -- main code of the pages
| | | |——about-us/
| | | | |——components/
| | | | | |——features-table.nunj
| | | | | |——slider.nunj
| | | | |——about-us-template.nunj
| | | |——index/
| | | | |——components/
| | | | | |——mail-modal.nunj/
| | | | |——index-template.nunj
| | |——index.nunj/ -- individual page settings, it will be compiled into .html file
| | |——about-us.nunj/ -- individual page settings, it will be compiled into .html file
| | |——layout.nunj/ -- standard template for every page
|—— --you're here
In order for the pages to be compiled you need to list their paths in the pages array
// ./gulpfile.js
const pages = [
More: Webstorm (v2020.1.2, Date: 27 June 2020) does not support nunjuck syntax. To solve this:
- go to Settings > Plugins > install "Twig"
- Settings > Editor > File Types > Find "Twig" > Add Registered Patterns "*.nunj"