
Primary LanguageVim Script



hanjinchen's linux dev environment.

Tools I used include tmux, zsh, vim and git. this repo also contains a simple bash config. note that most of the command alias are shared both in bath & zsh.

this config will use zsh as the default shell in tmux.

How to Install

just execute

sh deploy.sh

What's inside


some portable binaries, most importantly, the tmux.


A simple vim config which contains some basic plugins like

  • taglist show functions in the c/cpp/java files, needs ctags to work.
  • status_line a simple plugin to extend the statusline.
  • vary you can use :Trim command to auto remote the trailing whitespaces.
  • indentLine used to indicating indents



  • fl toggle taglist window


  • ff show a list of buffers, and waiting for further inputs for buffer switching
  • fn, fp move to next/previous buffer
  • fj switch to last buffer


  • C-w v, C-w s split current window vertically/horizontally
  • C-h, C-j, C-k, C-l switch to the window left/down/up/right to the current one


default escape key is C-q.


Normal(escape key needed)

  • c create window
  • n, p move to next/prev window
  • C-q, l previous window
  • %, " split current panel vertically/horizontally
  • [, C-[ enter copy-mode

Direct Mapping(no escape key needed)

  • A-c create a new window
  • A-n, A-p move to next/prev window
  • A-h, A-j, A-k, A-l move to left/down/up/right panel


# make tmux support 256-color
alias tmux="tmux -2"
# attach to a specific tmux session
alias ta='tmux attach -d -t'
# list all the tmux sessions
alias tls='tmux ls'



alias gco="git checkout"
alias gst="git status -uno"
alias gstn="git status -unormal"
alias gsta="git status -uall"
alias glg='git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%H %C(blue)%an%C(red) %s %C(reset)%n%cD, %cr" --stat -n 5'
alias glgo='git log --pretty=oneline --graph -n 5'
alias glgs='git log --pretty=short --graph -n 5'
alias glgm='git log --pretty=medium --graph -n 5'
alias gdf='git diff'
alias gb='git branch -av'
alias gbd='git branch -d'
alias gru='git remote update'
alias gru!='git remote update --prune'
alias gad='git add'
alias gcmt='git commit'
alias gcmt!='git commit --amend'
alias gcmtm='git commit -m'
alias gmg='git merge'
alias grb='git rebase'

Baidu Specific

  • add comake2, upload.py into binaries.

  • add icr scripts for easily issuing icode code review, the usage is

    icr upstream-branch

    this scripts use HEAD as local branch, so if you need to issus a code review on another branch, switch to it first!

  • some installation scripts in intstalls folder

test png