Elevon-One is a spatial metacomposition:
- a piece of music
- arranged in physical space
- (in such a way as to)
- musically respond to the movement of a solo-performer
The composition exists as a Pure Data patch that receives live or prerecorded motion data, and leverages the Bop 🐦 and Elevon libraries to render a musical response.
Elevon is responsible for hierarchically structuring the piece against n-dimensions of continuous data, whilst Bop provides musical content by way of synthesis, sequencing, sample playback, and audio processing.
The patch expects data in the format specified below as a text file, or to be sent as OSC to port 4813. Alternatively, a switch is provided to instead receive a subset of data from the iOS application GyrOSC on port 9999. Position and velocity data are not available when using GyrOSC.
/telemetry float[24] A condensed form of all data points used for logging. Elements are ordered as described below from top to bottom.
/time float Time in milliseconds since start.
/sync int(0-1) A value of 0 or 1 acting as a flag for synchronising video footage.
/pos float[3] The position in metres of the sensor relative to its location at start, in east, up, and north directions.
/latlonalt float[3] The latitude, longitude and altitude of the sensor. Altitude is described as metres above mean sea level (ASL).
/rot float[4] A quaternion describing the orientation of the sensor. Relative to the sensor facing north, level with the horizon.
/vel float[3] The velocity of the sensor unit in metres/second, in forwards, right, and up directions.
/acc float[3] The local linear acceleration in metres/second2, in forwards, right, and up directions.
/angvel float[3] The angular velocity in revolutions/second, in pitch, yaw, and roll.
/angacc float[3] The local angular acceleration in revolutions/second2, in pitch, yaw, and roll.
Composition and software development by Bob Jarvis.
Elevon-One uses samples from Cayn Borthwick and Ian McCurdy(CC-A2.0).