This image just include OpenTSDB and Java 1.8 basic env, without Zookeeper、HBase、HDFS。Before starting the container, you must ensure that the available HBase services are started,and OpenTSDB's has been excuted.
Generate and customize configuration files
$ docker run --rm zealzhangz/opentsdb:2.4.0 cat /etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf > opentsdb.conf
# edit conf
vim opentsdb.conf
# available zookeeper services =
docker run -dp 4242:4242 --add-host my-zookeeper-server-host:my-zookeeper-server-ip \
-v /xxx/myopentsdb:/opentsdb \
zealzhangz/opentsdb:2.4.0 tsdb tsd --config=/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf
- my-zookeeper-server-host: your zookeeper server hostname
- my-zookeeper-server-ip: your zookeeper server ip
Tips:If you have a Zooleeper Cluster,you can add multiple hosts like below
docker run -dp 4242:4242 --add-host zookeeper-host1:zookeeper-ip1 --add-host zookeeper-host2:zookeeper-ip2 \
-v /xxx/myopentsdb:/opentsdb zealzhangz/opentsdb:2.4.0 tsdb tsd --config=/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf
- 4242 HTTP API/Web port
Update the port by opentsdb.conf
- Test by browser
- Test by API
# Writing a point
curl -i -X POST -d '{"metric":"wind.UC_ResetAlarms6","timestamp":1565771210142,"tags":{"arch":"x64","datacenter":"ap-northeast-1a","hostname":"host_0","os":"Ubuntu15.10","rack":"72","region":"ap-northeast-1"},"value":33.466028797961954}'
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 24
# Querying test
curl -X POST -d '{"start":1565771210042,"end":1565771210146,"msResolution":true,"queries":[{"aggregator":"none","metric":"wind.UC_ResetAlarms6","tags":{"arch":"x64"}}]}'
# Response
Logs are written to /opentsdb/log by default,you can mount own volumn to check logs.
# Container
tree /opentsdb
├── log
│ ├── opentsdb.log
│ └── queries.log
└── opentsdb.conf