Library qr code scanner for Fuse.
This library is adaptation (the structure and code base) of Fuse Gallery ( The QR Code reader is using built iOS framework and the code is based on sample code by Yannick Loriot (
The android version is based on google vision sample that use Google Vision API (Part of Google Play Service library) (
- Android Support Repository
- Google Play Services
fuse build -t=android -r Example/Example.unoproj
<Qreader ux:Global="Qreader" />
<Text Value="{txt}">
var qreader = require('Qreader');
var Observable = require('FuseJS/Observable');
var txt = Observable();
function load () {
qreader.scan().then(function (res) {
txt.value = res;
module.exports = {
load: load,
txt: txt