This project is the culmination of my CS 110 Intermediate Programming course at UVM
The project was completed in three phases, roughly corresponding with the "model-view-controller" (MVC) pattern. Phase I consists of the underlying model on which the game is based. I was given UML diagrams for the Card, Board, BoardSquare, and Deck classes. Phase II built off of these classes and provided me a GameText class, which acts as a text-based "view" of the MVC. I was tasked with building the corresponding "controller", the Game class, to make GameText work correctly. Phase III was the final part of the project, in which I was to "decouple" the text-based view from the controller and create a GUI using JavaFX. Once this was finished, I also completed some of the extra credit options and added features such as the "find-a-set" button and the "new game" button.
Phase I:
is the model for a card in the game of
is the model for the deck of cards in the game, supporting methods such asshuffle()
is the model for the board of cards in the
is the model for one slot on the board, essentially acting as a wrapper over one Card.
Phase II:
is the controller for the game's
is the text-based view of the game of Set.
Phase III:
is the JavaFX GUI for the game of
is an extra class I made to refactor out the logic needed to create and update the representation of a Card in the GUI into its own self-contained class.
is the testing file used to make sure that logic was working correctly.Set.jar
is an executable that will run the JavaFX GUI without needing to compile the source code first.