
Open Yeast Engineering Project

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

OYEP (Open Yeast Engineering Project)

Oyep is a community collection of yeast engineering protocols. Learn how to engineer yeast. Make beer, bread, clothes, sensors, etc with what you engineer. Share it with the community.

Repositories and Protocols

  • Yeast Transformation: Learn how to select plasmids (standalone genetic construct) and transform (insert) them into yeast. Share your results!

  • CRISPR: Protocols for designing guide RNAs, cloning guides into plasmids, and transforming yeast with plasmid and templates (single gene) to make stable modyfications to the yeast genome.

  • DNA: A collection of plasmids, primers, dsDNA, and templates used in OYEP protocols. Everything in the master branch should be tested and verified to work with yeast transformation or CRISPR protocols.

  • Bake: A standard test recipe to test if a yeast strain can be used to make sourdough bread.

  • Brew: A standard test recipe to test if a yeast strain can be used to brew beer.

  • Legal: Standard operating procedure for legally handling modified yeast strains in accordance with U.S federal law. Best practices included for checking state and local law (call a lawyer).


Each protocol repository will have its own standards for contribution. Proposed additions to wet lab protocol related repos must be validated in an actual lab setting before being merged into master. To contribute to a repository please remember to fork, branch, make edits, and then submit your pull request. If you don't know what that means just submit an issue related to what you want to contribute. More on general git workflow can be found in contributing.md.

Minimum Lab Requirements.

Check out https://diybio.org/local/ to find your local DIYbio space.

Most protocols in this collection require access to a BSL-1 molecular biology lab with at least the resources listed in REQUIREMENTS.md.

Minimum Legal Requirements.

Please research your local federal, state, and municipal laws before getting started. Your local lab should have a safety officer who can help.


OYEP © by Timothy Stiles

OYEP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.