The official PyTorch implementation of Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment, ECCV 2020.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment

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By Jianzhu Guo, Xiangyu Zhu, Yang Yang, Fan Yang, Zhen Lei and Stan Z. Li. The code repo is maintained by Jianzhu Guo.



  • 2020.9.20: Add features including pose estimation and serializations to .ply and .obj, see pose, ply, obj options in demo.py.
  • 2020.9.19: Add PNCC (Projected Normalized Coordinate Code), uv texture mapping features, see pncc, uv_tex options in demo.py.


This work extends 3DDFA, named 3DDFA_V2, titled Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment, accepted by ECCV 2020. The supplementary material is here. The gif above shows a demo of the tracking result. This repo is the official implementation of 3DDFA_V2.

Compared to 3DDFA, 3DDFA_V2 achieves better performance and stability. Besides, 3DDFA_V2 incorporates the fast face detector FaceBoxes instead of Dlib. A simple 3D render written by c++ and cython is also included. If you are interested in this repo, just try it on this google colab! Welcome for valuable issues and PRs 😄

Getting started


See requirements.txt, tested on macOS and Linux platforms. Note that this repo uses Python3. The major dependencies are PyTorch, numpy and opencv-python, etc.


  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/cleardusk/3DDFA_V2.git
cd 3DDFA_V2
  1. Build the cython version of NMS, and Sim3DR
sh ./build.sh
  1. Run demos
# 1. running on still image, the options include: 2d_sparse, 2d_dense, 3d, depth, pncc, pose, uv_tex, ply, obj
python3 demo.py -f examples/inputs/emma.jpg  # -o [2d_sparse, 2d_dense, 3d, depth, pncc, pose, uv_tex, ply, obj]

# 2. running on videos
python3 demo_video.py -f examples/inputs/videos/214.avi

# 3. running on videos smoothly by looking ahead by `n_next` frames
python3 demo_video_smooth.py -f examples/inputs/videos/214.avi

# 4. running on webcam
python3 demo_webcam_smooth.py

The implementation of tracking is simply by alignment. If the head pose > 90° or the motion is too fast, the alignment may fail. A threshold is used to trickly check the tracking state, but it is unstable.

You can refer to demo.ipynb or google colab for the step-by-step tutorial of running on the still image.

For example, running python3 demo.py -f examples/inputs/emma.jpg -o 3d will give the result below:


Running on webcam will give:


Obviously, the eyes parts are not good.

Features (up to now)

2D sparse 2D dense 3D
2d sparse 2d dense 3d
Depth PNCC UV texture
depth pncc uv_tex
Pose Serialization to .ply Serialization to .obj
pose ply obj


The default backbone is MobileNet_V1 with input size 120x120 and the default pre-trained weight is weights/mb1_120x120.pth, shown in configs/mb1_120x120.yml. This repo provides another config in configs/mb05_120x120.yml, with the widen factor 0.5, being smaller and faster. You can specify the config by -c or --config option. The released models are shown in the below table. Note that the inference time is evaluated using TensorFlow. The benchmark is unstable across different runtimes or frameworks. However, I believe the onnxruntime should perform best and maybe faster than the reported values.

Model Input #Params #Macs Inference
MobileNet 120x120 3.27M 183.5M ~6.2ms
MobileNet x0.5 120x120 0.85M 49.5M ~2.9ms


  1. What is the training data?

    We use 300W-LP for training. You can refer to our paper for more details about the training. Since few images are closed-eyes in the training data 300W-LP, the landmarks of eyes are not accurate when closing.



If your work or research benefits from this repo, please cite two bibs below : )

    title =        {Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment},
    author =       {Guo, Jianzhu and Zhu, Xiangyu and Yang, Yang and Yang, Fan and Lei, Zhen and Li, Stan Z},
    booktitle =    {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
    year =         {2020}

    author =       {Guo, Jianzhu and Zhu, Xiangyu and Lei, Zhen},
    title =        {3DDFA},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/cleardusk/3DDFA}},
    year =         {2018}


Jianzhu Guo (郭建珠) [Homepage, Google Scholar]: jianzhu.guo@nlpr.ia.ac.cn or guojianzhu1994@foxmail.com.