Zebrunner Mcloud Redroid

Feel free to support the development with a donation for the next improvements.



  1. Setup your machine due to redroid requirements
  2. Clone mcloud-redroid and setup:
    git clone https://github.com/zebrunner/mcloud-redroid.git && cd mcloud-redroid && ./zebrunner.sh setup
  3. Provide actual data or use default values
  4. Start services ./zebrunner.sh start

    For default settings visit Demo Zebrunner STF to see your device. Login with admin/changeit credentials

  5. Direct Appium url is http://hostname:4723/wd/hub

    To control Redroid video and audio use scrcpy

    scrcpy --tcpip=hostanme:5555
  6. [Optional] Setup your own Zebrunner Device Farm for actual usage.

Upgrade components

  1. Save your settings (*.env files)
  2. Shutdown your current Mcloud-Redroid instance:
    ./zebrunner.sh shutdown
  3. Pull new repository version:
    git pull
  4. Setup preferred Redroid version in .env.original file:
  5. Setup Redroid according to your previous configuration:
    ./zebrunner.sh setup

Documentation and free support