
Terminal with docking as Visual Code and integrating with helpfull features...

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Terminal with docking as Visual Code and integrating with helpfull features...

I'm looking for beta testeur ( charles ( dot ) vidal ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com


  1. Qt 5
  2. qtwebengine

You must clone 3 repository, this will be done by compil.sh:

  1. QSingleInstance https://github.com/Skycoder42/QSingleInstance
  2. Qt-Advanced-Docking-System https://github.com/githubuser0xFFFF/Qt-Advanced-Docking-System
  3. qtterminalwidget : https://github.com/jacob3141/qtterminalwidget
  4. font awesome : https://github.com/gamecreature/QtAwesome

to make the projet: source compil.sh

after lauch cvterm.

cvterm man ls : show the man of ls in a webpage.


  1. Embedded terminals inside one docking applicaton
  2. Can show help man page. ( qterm man ls )
  3. Can send the same command to all opened terminals
  4. Can open terminal and send a command from a list a command
  5. Can change font ( size / family )
  6. Can change the background by theme.
  7. Drag and drop path or file.
  8. Choose files/directory by file/dir dialog
  9. Find text in terminal
  10. Docking like visual code.

From githubuser0xFFFF

It's a singleInstance Application , so you can interacte with it with the same cmd.


  1. name : add a new terminal close to the tab name
  2. man : open a web page for the man


  1. -tab : create a terminal in the tab
  2. -righ : position in workspace
  3. -left: position in workspace
  4. -top: position in workspace
  5. -bottom: position in workspace

Program your interface , your workspace.

./dterm &
sleep 1 
./dterm name Term1 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term2 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term3 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term4 &
sleep 1
./dterm -bottom &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term6 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term7 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term8 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term9 &
sleep 1
./dterm -bottom &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term11 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term12 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term13 &
sleep 1


When I close a windows , not hide it , but close it and close the terminal.


First Demo

Launch multiprocess ! on all terminal, or launch process in multiterminal

New feature

Blog en francais:


Other interesting projet


https://github.com/shi-yan/Commandventure ( still some bug , I got a core dump )