
Be an oauth provider with Go(Golang)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

hero Build Status GoDoc

hero is a heroic oauth 2 provider, which is simple, elegant and beautiful.

What is oauth 2 ?

According to this post

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on >an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and DigitalOcean.

What is hero?

From the definition of oauth 2 above, there is example of providers that is Facebook,GitHub and DigitalOcean. hero enables you to become an oauth 2 provider just like Facebook ,GitHub and DigitalOcean.

This means, hero provides user accounts and also allows limited access to the accounts.Unlike the other options, with hero you have full control of everything.

Hero is a commadline application. It also offers a library that you can use to compose your own version of oauth 2 provider.


  • User account management
  • Encrypted passwords and client secrets.
  • Client management
  • oauth 2 rfc 6749 compliant
  • Configurable.
  • Multiple databases( postgres, mysql and foundation)
  • Hot templates reload for rapid development(no need to recompile when run with -dev flag).
  • csrf protection
  • http2 support
  • https support
  • Let's encrypt integration

Project Status

Hero is in early development a.k.a alpha state.


There is no oauth provider in my country(Tanzania), so I created one in a way that anyone who wants to be can have a starting point.


From source


  • go(Golang) 1.5+

Go get the project to install it

go get github.com/gernest/hero/cmd/hero

This will create the hero binary for you.


Alternatively you can download precompiled binaries for your favorite operating system.



You need a configuration file in order to run hero server. The format supported is json. Hero comes with a command to bootstrap a configuration file with default settings, you can use it to customize the values as you fancy.I will explain the configurable details in a moment.

Step 1 Configure

To generate default configuration file, run the following command,

hero genconf [Path to configuration file goes here e.g config.json]

This is content of an example default configuration file. You can also find it fixtures/config.json

	"redirect_separator": "",
	"authorization_expire": 200,
	"access_expire": 200,
	"allow_get_access": false,
	"allowed_access_type": [
	"token_type": "",
	"provider_name": "",
	"auth_endpoint": "/authorize",
	"token_endpoint": "/tokens",
	"info_endpoint": "/info",
	"port": 8090,
	"database_dialect": "postgres",
	"database_connection": "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/hero_test?sslmode=disable",
	"templates_dir": "views",
	"static_dir": "",
	"session_path": "/",
	"session_max_age": 0,
	"session_domain": "",
	"session_secure": false,
	"session_hhhponly": false,
	"session_name": "_hero",
	"Login_template": "login.html",
	"error_template": "error.html",
	"register_template": "",
	"client_template": "client.html",
	"profile_template": "profile.html",
	"home_template": "home.html"

Table to explain the configuration settings

setting type details
redirect_separator string character used to separate multiple redirect urls e.g :
authorization_expire int64 duration in seconds of the authorization code
access_expire int64 duration in seconds of the access code
allow_get_access bool if true allow GET requests
AllowedAccess_type []string allowed access types e.g ["refresh_token","password"]
token_type string the type of tokens
provider_name string the name of the provider( your server) e.g hero
auth_endpoint string the route where authorization is handeld e.g /auhorize
token_endpoint string the route where access is handled e.g /tokens
info_endpoint string the route where the granted user details are accessed.
port int port number where the server will be listenig to. e.g 8080
database_dialect string type of database e.g postgres, mysql, foundation
database+connection string database connection url
templates_dir string the directory where templates are stored.
static_dir string the directory where static assets are stored i.e javascript, stylesheets etc
session_path string path of the session( cookie)
session_max_age int duration of the cookie(session)
session_domain string deomain name for the session
session_secure bool true if the sessio is secure( https)
session_httponly bool true if session is hhtp only
session_name string the name of the session e.g _a_mist_of_avalon
login_template string the name of the template to render for login users
error_template string the name of the template to render on errors
register_template string the name of the template to render on registering users
cLient_template string the name of template to render on create/read/update/delete clients
profile_template string the name of the template to render on user profile
home_template string the name of the template to render at home page

Step 2: Run

Run the service

hero --mingrate server [config_file_path]

where config_file_path is the path to the configuration file, it doisnt matter if the path is relative or absolute.

It is wise to add the --migrate flag if you are running for the first time so as to prepare the database.

You should see this on your stdout

running migrations...done 
starting hero service at  http://localhost:8090 

If you see anything diffenernt then open an issue.


contributions are welcome. For development please see DEVELOPER.md


Geofrey Ernest

Twitter : @gernesti


The project osin is the foundation from which I got insight and direction of how oauth 2 works.


This project is released under the MIT licence. See LICENCE for more details.