
a syntax sugar of PNG manipulation

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

sugar_png Build Status Dependency Status


A pure ruby high-level PNG file creation toolkit.

(If you need a low-level PNG manipulation & analysis toolkit - take a look at ZPNG)


  • neat syntax
  • unicode text drawing support
  • 16-bit color depth support


gem install sugar_png


Hello World!

Hello World!

```ruby SugarPNG.new do text "Hello World!" save "out.png" end ```

Explicit image dimensions + bg color

Explicit image dimensions + bg color

```ruby SugarPNG.new do background 'red' # or :blue, or #ffee00, or :transparent (default) width 100 height 50 text "Hello World!", :color => '#ffffff' save "out.png" end ```

Japanese text with rainbow borders, zoomed 4x

Japanese text with rainbow borders, zoomed 4x

```ruby SugarPNG.new do border 1, :red border 1, :green border 1, :blue text '水水水' zoom 4
save "out.png"


### White noise
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zed-0xff/sugar_png/master/samples/readme/white_noise.png" alt="White noise" title="White noise" align="right" />
  SugarPNG.new do
    bg :black  # shortcut for 'background'
    fg :white  # ditto
    width  100
    height 100
    200.times{ pixel(rand(100),rand(100)) }

    save "out.png"

Playing with transparency & 16-bit color depth

Playing with transparency & 16-bit color depth

```ruby SugarPNG.new do |img| img.depth = 16
100.times do |y|
  100.times do |x|
    img[x,y] = [0,65536*x/100,0,65535*y/100] # RGBA

# 'export' returns PNG image data suitable for streaming to client
# or manually saving to a file or do whatever you want 
@data = img.export


### Pixels can be set using Ranges, Enumerators & Arrays
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zed-0xff/sugar_png/master/samples/readme/pixels_can_be_set_using_ranges_enumerators_arrays.png" alt="Pixels can be set using Ranges, Enumerators & Arrays" title="Pixels can be set using Ranges, Enumerators & Arrays" align="right" />
  SugarPNG.new do |img|
    # Ranges
    img[10...50, 10..20] = :blue
    # Array + Enumerator
    img[[1,2,4,8,16,32], 0.step(50,2)] = :red
    img.zoom = 2 


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.