
Computer based testing has become one of the trending approaches to assessing students adopted by most colleges, as it provides lot of benefits over the conventional one. This project is the back-end of an online based examinations application for lecturers to test their students online.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to development branch

To get started:

  • Fork the repo from the develop branch.

  • clone the forked repo.

How to use Story Types

Understanding the kind of changes you've made

  • Features change something about your product.
  • Bugs are simply things that are broken.
  • Chores are the things you have to do that don’t actually change your product.
    Read more here

Branch and Commit message naming convention

Branch Naming

Branches created should be named using the following format:
{story type}-{2-3 word summary}-{issue tracker id}

story-type - Indicates the context of the branch and should be one of:

  • ft == Feature
  • bg == Bug
  • ch == Chore
  • rf == Refactor

story-summary - Short 2-3 words summary about what the branch contains

Example of a feature branch: ft-responsive-mobile-layout-11


<type>(<scope>): <subject>``<BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer>

<type> should be:

  • feature
  • bug
  • chore
  • release
  • refactor
  • documentation
  • style
  • test

<scope> should be something specific to the commit change. Example of a commit message: feature(logo): add logo to the toolbar[finishes #45]
Read more here

Recommended Git Workflow

You are required to create a separate branch using the naming convention above for each change you made and then merge into the develop branch.
here is a good guide to getting yourself familiar with the git workflow.