
Keyboard/Mouse emulation with your gamepad

Primary LanguageRust

Every gamepad remapper for Linux is lacking. Let's change that.


  1. Clone this repo.
    cargo run

On linux you will need x11 dev libraries.


    sudo apt install build-essential libx11-dev libxi-dev libxtst-dev


  • Ensure your controller is prepared and plugged in
  • Start program
  • Run the program and specify your configuration file(s)
      zettpadder some-definitions.zett game-definitions.zett
    Any amount of files can be specified, and they'll be read in sequence


Up to 255 layers are supported, including the main one.


Zettpadder will check your config directory for a "zettpadder.zett" file and run it before any other files.

  Lin: Some(/home/alice/.config/zettpadder.zett)
  Win: Some(C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\zettpadder.zett)
  Mac: Some(/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/zettpadder.zett)

Otherwise, config file is any amount of .zett files that contains your definitions. You can specify these when running the program.

Input Set Shortcuts

  <inputset> <bind1> <bind2> <bind3> <bind4>
  <inputset> <shortcut>

Possible input sets:

  • JoyXY
  • CamXY
  • MouseXY
  • ActionWheelXY
  • DpadXY
  • PovXY
  • HatXY
  • MicXY

Possible output shortcuts:

  • WASD (A D W S)
  • IJKL (J L I K)
  • Arrows (Left Right Up Down)
  • Mouse (X, Y)
  • Flick (FlickX, FlickY)


If you fire up the program without arguments and hit buttons, it'll show you output with names for the buttons you press. You can use those for reference in your mapping definitions. You can toggle echo mode with the command echo <on|off>.


  • Support for every axis and button your device emits, not just the xbox standards.
  • Map buttons to keyboard output.
  • Map buttons to mouse output.
  • Mod keys with ghosting.
  • Flick stick.

Planned features

  • Radial functions.
  • Gyro support.
  • PS4 touchpad suppport.
  • Game overlay to support radial menus etc.

Not currently planned

  • Interface outside of input commands.
  • Support for mapping multiple controllers simultaneously. Just run the program twice.

Addendum: Disabling Flydigi's mouse click on right grip button

  1. Identify ID of the device:
    xinput list | grep Flydigi | grep pointer
  1. Disable button
    xinput set-button-map <id> 0

Permanently changing right grip button to Middle Mouse

Make this file.

  # /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-flydigi-apex-2.conf
  Section "InputClass"
      Identifier "flydigi apex 2 right grip button"
      MatchIsPointer	"on"
      MatchDevicePath	"/dev/input/event*"
      MatchVendor	"Flydigi"
      Option	"ButtonMapping" "2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"	# Middle Mouse


Now all configs can assume M3 is already mapped to something.