
A chrome-tabs component to emulate the chrome tabs bar, useful for electron browser apps

Primary LanguageHTMLISC LicenseISC

Published on webcomponents.org


Chrome tabs

Inspired by the project chrome-tabs by @adamschwartz, this project aims to create a webcomponent.


Quick example

<chrome-tabs extendable selected="1" >
  <chrome-tab icon="https://www.polymer-project.org/images/logos/p-logo-32.png" title="Tab title"></chrome-tab>
  <chrome-tab icon="https://assets-cdn.github.com/favicon.ico" title="Tab title"></chrome-tab>
  <chrome-tab title="Tab title"></chrome-tab>
  <chrome-tab title="Tab title"></chrome-tab>

The component is licensed under the ISC License

Demo and doc are available on http://zedesk.github.io/chrome-tabs/