
A docker to develop webcomponents or webapp with polymer-cli

Primary LanguageShell


Docker Automated buil Docker Pulls

A docker container to develop with polymer-cli

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

The polymer-cli version includes several improvements see the lastest polymer-cli documentation


The entrypoint of this container is polymer (polymer-cli command line) and some bower commands. By default the image run the "polymer serve"

available commands are :

  • Special command :
    • docs : Writes analysis metadata in JSON format to standard out without inherited methods from Polymer.element
  • Polymer commands :
    • init : initialize a developpment ( run polymer init )
    • build : build the application
    • lint : lints the project
    • serve : Runs the polyserve development server
    • analyze : Writes analysis metadata in JSON format to standard out
    • lint : Identifies potential errors in your code.
  • Bower commands :
    • install [package]: install dependencies declared in bower.json or the package given on the command line
    • uninstall package : uninstall a package
    • update package : update an installed package
    • search package : search for a package in the bower repository
    • list : list all installed packages
    • prune : uninstalls local extraneous packages
    • info package : displays overall information of a package or of a particular version.
    • cache : manage bower cache

A command line helper is also provided, to avoid typing long docker commands. To get it :

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zedesk/zdkpolymer/master/zdkpolymer |sudo tee /usr/local/bin/zdkpolymer > /dev/null
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/zdkpolymer

How to use it

the zdkpolymer command helper should be run from the project directory. The container will be named as the directory.

  • zdkpolymer -h : the helper help
  • zdkpolymer -v : list available versions
  • zdkpolymer [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

Options :

  • -H : mount your home directory, useful to share some git credential and config into the container
  • -D : run the container in background, useful when serving your work, The available URLs will be displayed.
  • -V [arg] : allow to select the zdkpolymer version, for example '0.17.0'

Command :

Any polymer-cli or bower commands, to obtain the list of the available commands : zdkpolymer help

fresh dev

Create your dev directory

mkdir my-component && cd $_
zdkpolymer init

to start serving your dev

zdkpolymer -D

to get the port of your app on the host machine

zdkpolymer port

from an existing project

Get your project

git clone github.com/my-project
cd my-project

install dependencies

zdkpolymer install

serve it

zdkpolymer -D

build and serve

to build a polymer application :

zdkpolymer build

then to serve the application

# stop the container if exists
zdkpolymer stop
zdkpolymer -D build/unbundled