
The Bible Study App is an interactive web application that allows users to explore and deepen their understanding of the Christian faith. The app features a chatbot powered by AI, which provides biblical responses to users' questions based solely on passages from the Bible.

Primary LanguagePython

Bible Study App


The Bible Study App is a web-based application that allows users to explore and study the Bible using a language model powered by OpenAI. It provides users with the ability to ask questions related to their Christian faith and receive responses based solely on the Bible.


  • Select Bible Book: Users can choose from a list of books in the Bible, including both Old Testament and New Testament books.

  • Read Bible Content: Upon selecting a book, the app displays the content of that book for the user to read.

  • Ask Questions: Users can ask questions related to the selected book or any biblical topic.

  • AI-Powered Responses: The app uses an AI language model based on the Bible to provide insightful answers to user questions.

  • PDF Embedding: The app displays PDF versions of Bible books, allowing users to read and study them directly within the app.

  • Personalized URL: The app has a personalized URL, making it easily accessible for users.


Live Demo


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/TripleJ160/bibleapp/
cd bibleapp
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the app locally:
streamlit run app.py

Built With

  • Streamlit - The web framework used for building the app.
  • OpenAI - AI language model for answering Bible-related questions.
  • PyPDF2 - Python library for working with PDF files.
  • LangChain - Python library for language model chaining.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Used resources from @PromptEnginner to learn the concepts and frameworks required to build this app