
Syncing your Toniebox with Spotify Playlists

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Music Sync

I have 2 wonderful children and for Xmas they received a Toniebox [1]. There are many many incredbile Tonie's out there, but we were struggeling with what we can fill our Creative Tonies. After a while we found many wonderful stories for kids on Spotify [2] and we wondered why not having these stories on a Creative Tonie.

In the end, this handy tool was created to sync music between different services.

Remark: To use this tool you must have a Spotify premium abo!
Remark: Only JDK 8 is supported

My special thanks to:

  • Geert Vandeweyer for stream_recorder.pl [3]
  • Wander Nauta for SP [4]

[1]: https://www.tonies.com/
[2]: https://www.spotify.com/
[3]: https://bitbucket.org/geertvandeweyer/spotify_recorder/src
[4]: https://gist.github.com/wandernauta/6800547


To build the entire project

mvn clean install

The end result will be packaged in package/target/output.

Docker Build

docker build . -t [IMAGE-TAG]


Run it as a daemon

nohup ./musicsync --daemon &

Run it for a single time

./musicsync --input [INPUT-URI] --output [OUTPUT-URI]

Docker execution for a single time

docker run [IMAGE-TAG] [ARGUMENTS] where ARGUMENTS is e.g. --input [INPUT-URI] --output [OUTPUT-URI]

Note: Parameters may change with the available plugins. Each plugin defines additional parameters if applicable.


All plugins with their documentation can be found here.


Either you use the command line arguments to define settings or you put it in a musicsync.properties file. The command line options are described above and in the plugin documentations.
For using the Daemon mode the musicsync.properties file has to be used.

To define all properties while build time use the musicsync.properties file from the application project.
If you want to make changes before runtime copy the musicsync.properties to the execution path of musicsync (by default: package/target/output/)

Daemon Mapping Properties

You can setup multiple mappings source -> destiny when you run in daemon mode.
The schema is always: mapping[X]=InputURI;OutputURI, whereby X starts at 0 and has to be increased with each mappping.
For example:


Running Spotify Toniebox Sync on your local environment/server

Installation based on vanilla Ubuntu 64-bit Server 18.04.1

Ubuntu Server installing additional software

apt-get install -y x11vnc xvfb sox lame qdbus ffmpeg pulseaudio dbus-x11 xinit

Install Spotify

echo deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list 
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install -y spotify-client 

Clone repository and link scripts

git clone git@git.voss.rocks:toniebox/spotify-download-service.git
ln -sf $PWD/spotify-toniebox-sync/bin/sp /usr/local/bin
ln -sf $PWD/spotify-toniebox-sync/bin/stream_recorder.pl /usr/local/bin/


To check if Spotify is really running and maybe to also adjust there some settings.

x11vnc -display :99 -bg -nopw -xkb


Everything you need to make it run:

nohup Xvfb :99 -screen 0 800x600x16 &
nohup pulseaudio --start &
nohup spotify $SPOTIFY_OPTIONS &
nohup musicsync --daemon &