All of the code from Learn C The Hard Way, each project, plus the presentation slides used in the videos.
- bakins
- Bamco
- bassybeats
- btbytesMicrosoft
- callahadBelfast
- cassiobotaroSão Paulo
- decauseThe Internet
- ernadhCisco
- freemfreemco, @spinal-shark-collective
- gnu-user
- googya
- halbtuerke
- he0x
- humblewebdev
- indrayamCisco Systems
- jahsonMoscow
- JeffPaine
- jeremiahmarks
- jsalit
- kitsemets
- kristinpetersonTheoremOne
- lovelleRemote
- madfrog2018
- magicdawnEarth, Solar System
- mblair@descriptinc
- Midiman
- mlgill@NVIDIA
- nightire@choice-form @choice-open @very-geek
- oddvarUnited Kingdom
- rainforest-of-code
- reklisCibo Technology, LLC
- rifotu
- saghul@jitsi
- ShallmentMoGuangzhou
- svlasovIsrael
- Yonaba2iE