Database Cleaner Adapter for Nobrainer


Clean your Nobrainer databases with Database Cleaner.

See for more information.


# Gemfile
group :test do
  gem 'database_cleaner-nobrainer'

Supported Strategies

The nobrainer adapter only has one strategy: the deletion strategy.

Strategy configuration options

:only and :except may take a list of collection names:

# Only delete the "users" collection.
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer].strategy = :deletion, { only: ["users"] }

# Delete all collections except the "users" collection.
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer].strategy = :deletion, { except: ["users"] }

Adapter configuration options

#db defaults to the Nobrainer database, but can be specified manually in a few ways:

# Redis URI string:
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer].db = :logs

# Back to default:
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer].db = NoBrainer.current_db

# Multiple Nobrainer databases can be specified:
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer, connection: :default]
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer, connection: :shard_1]
DatabaseCleaner[:nobrainer, connection: :shard_2]


The Earthfile is to be used with Earthly.

To build the development Docker image, simply run earth +dev. To run the tests, run earth -P +rspec To publish a new version of the gem, run earthly +publish --RUBYGEMS_OTP=<OTP> --RUBYGEMS_ORG_API_KEY=$(cat ~/.gem/credentials | grep :rubygems_api_key | awk '{print $2}')

Please look at the Earthly documentation for more.


See LICENSE for details.