
A Ruby wrapper for the paddle.com API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Tests Gem Version

A Ruby wrapper for the paddle.com API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paddle_pay'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Configure the gem with the credentials obtained from the Paddle Dashboard


PaddlePay.configure do |config|
  config.environment = :development # or :sandbox
  config.vendor_id = 'YOUR SANDBOX VENDOR ID'
  config.vendor_auth_code = 'YOUR SANDBOX VENDOR AUTH CODE'


PaddlePay.configure do |config|
  config.environment = :production
  config.vendor_id = 'YOUR PRODUCTION VENDOR ID'
  config.vendor_auth_code = 'YOUR PRODUCTION VENDOR AUTH CODE'



List all published one-time products associated with your account:

PaddlePay::Product.list(filters = {}, options = {})

Return any available coupons valid for a specified one-time product or subscription plan:

product_id = 123456
PaddlePay::Product::Coupon.list(product_id, options = {})

Create a new coupon for the given product or a checkout:

attributes = { coupon_type: 'checkout', discount_type: 'percentage', discount_amount: '20', allowed_uses: 10 }
PaddlePay::Product::Coupon.create(attributes, options = {})

Delete a given coupon and prevent it from being further used:

coupon_code = 'ABCDEFG'
product_id = 123456
PaddlePay::Product::Coupon.delete(coupon_code, product_id, options = {})

Updating a single coupon code:

coupon_code = 'ABCDEFG'
attributes = { allowed_uses: 10 }
PaddlePay::Product::Coupon.update_code(coupon_code, attributes = {}, options = {})

Updating a group of coupons:

group = 'GROUP123'
attributes = { allowed_uses: 10 }
PaddlePay::Product::Coupon.update_group(group, attributes = {}, options = {})
Pay Links

Set custom attributes for a one-time or subscription checkout link:

attributes = { product_id: '123456' }
PaddlePay::Product::PayLink.generate(attributes, options = {})

Request a refund for a one-time payment, either in full or partial:

order_id = 123456
PaddlePay::Product::Payment.refund(order_id, attributes = {}, options = {})



List all of the available subscription plans:

PaddlePay::Subscription::Plan.list(filters = {}, options = {})

Create a new subscription billing plan:

attributes = { plan_name: 'Test', plan_trial_days: 30, plan_length: 1, plan_type: 'month', main_currency_code: 'USD', recurring_price_usd: '5.00' }
PaddlePay::Subscription::Plan.create(attributes, options = {})
Subscription Users

List all users subscribed to any of your subscription plans:

PaddlePay::Subscription::User.list(filters = {}, options = {})

Cancel the specified subscription:

subscription_id = 1234567
PaddlePay::Subscription::User.cancel(subscription_id, options = {})

Update the quantity, price, and/or plan of a user’s subscription:

subscription_id = 1234567
attributes = { recurring_price: '10.00', currency: 'USD', quantity: 1, plan_id: 12345 }
PaddlePay::Subscription::User.update(subscription_id, attributes, options = {})

Get a preview of subscription changes before they are committed:

PaddlePay::Subscription::User.preview_update(subscription_id, attributes, options = {})

List all the subscription modifiers:

PaddlePay::Subscription::Modifier.list(filters = {}, options = {})

Add a modifier to a recurring subscription:

attributes = { subscription_id: 1234567, modifier_amount: '1.00', modifier_description: 'Test' }
PaddlePay::Subscription::Modifier.create(attributes, options = {})

Delete an existing subscription price modifier:

modifier_id = 12345
PaddlePay::Subscription::Modifier.delete(modifier_id, options = {})

List all paid and upcoming (unpaid) payments:

PaddlePay::Subscription::Payment.list(filters = {}, options = {})

Change the due date on an upcoming subscription payment:

payment_id = 123456
date = '2020-12-31' # in format YYYY-MM-DD
PaddlePay::Subscription::Payment.reschedule(payment_id, date, options = {})

Request a refund for a subscription payment, either in full or partial:

order_id = 123456
PaddlePay::Subscription::Payment.refund(order_id, attributes = {}, options = {})
One-off Charges

Make immediate one-time charges on top of an existing subscription:

subscription_id = 1234567
amount = '5.00'
charge_name = 'Test'
PaddlePay::Subscription::Charge.create(subscription_id, amount, charge_name, options = {})



Retrieve past events and alerts that Paddle has sent to webhooks on your account:

PaddlePay::Alert::Webhook.history(filters = {}, options = {})


Retrieve transactions for related entities within Paddle:

id = '123456'
PaddlePay::Transaction::Checkout.list(id, options = {})
id = '123456'
PaddlePay::Transaction::Order.list(id, options = {})
id = '123456'
PaddlePay::Transaction::Product.list(id, options = {})
id = '123456'
PaddlePay::Transaction::Subscription.list(id, options = {})
id = '123456'
PaddlePay::Transaction::User.list(id, options = {})


With this gem it is possible to communicate with the Paddle API, but no webhooks are handled. If you want to handle Paddle webhooks in a Ruby on Rails application, please have a look at the pay gem where this gem is integrated.


Check out the repository and run bin/setup to install dependencies. For configuration run mv .env.template .env and set your credentials in the required fields. After that, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.