
Time Zone lookup library for Delphi/FPC

Primary LanguagePascal

How to update

  1. Get latest database:

     git clone https://github.com/pavkam/tzdb ./bin/tz-db
     cd ./bin/tz-db
  2. Copy TZDB.inc, Version.inc and TZDB.pas from ./bin/tz-db/src/TZDBPK to the ./libtz/lib/tz-db

  3. Extract latest borders from timezones.shapefile.zip to the ./bin/tz-border

  4. Run shp2pas.cmd

  5. Copy *.pas files from ./bin/pas to the ./libtz/lib/tz-border

  6. Open ./libtz/libtz.lpi with Lazarus

  7. Fix project Version Info, fix CVersionInfo in src/u_AppMain.pas and compile libtz.dll