Colt Steel's Todo List Project
- It can display current todos
- All current todos are display in a container box centered in the middle of the screen
- It can add new todos
- Input for adding new todos can be toggled on and off
- It can mark todos as completed
- Completed todo has a strikethrough line
- It can delete todos
- When hovering on each todo, a trash icon appears on the left
- Clicking on the trask icon will remove the todo item
- The app is responsive
- Basic HTML setup
- There should be a way to listen to click on each todo
- Clicking on todo should mark it as completed
- It should add a strikethrough line to each completed todo
- There should be a place for new todo input
- When user hits enter, new todo should be added to the bottom of the todo list
- New todo input should be cleared afterwards
- There should be a way to delete todo
- When a todo is deleted, it should fade away and be removed from the list