Natural mouse movements

Generate human looking mouse movements with neural networks. This project uses two models, one to generate a path of points - and one to generate timing (how much time user spends at each point in path).

Models were built with Keras.

Getting Started

Models that are ready to use are located in /models/. Can also be converted to .onnx with The models can be retrained by running and

How it works

The data is formatted as [{x1, y1, t1}...{xn, yn, tn}] and make up a path of a specific number of points. Both models are set to generate this specific amount of points. The path model generates a path of X,Y coordinates and the timing model generates the time it takes at each point. By combining both models it's possible to create rather convincing mouse movements.

A sample of generated paths

Start- and end points are normalized to start at origin. X- and Y-labels: normalized screen width/height Generated mouse movement

A sample of generated timings

Total time mouse stays at a position before going to next position. / X-label: path points Y-label: total milliseconds Timing