
Using Okta client_credentials flow + InlineHooks to model OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Implementing OAuth 2.0 "On-Behalf-Of" flow with Inline Hooks

By using Token Inline Hooks, we can be easily extend Okta to model the OAuth 2.0 On-Behal-Of flow.

When an API "A" requires a token to access API "B" (under the On-behalf-of flow), it can request the token using client_credentials flow; The request also passes the "assertion" (API "A"'s own JWT, JWT-A) as a query parameter. The inline hook:

  • Re-validates the assertion.
  • Performs custom policy evauation logic
  • And if valid, patches the result back to the Auth Server's callback. The com.okta.access.patch command instructs Okta to extend the client_credentials' JWT with JWT-A's claims.

The diagram below describes the inline hook interaction:

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Create the Lambda Function in AWS:

  1. Clone this repo, then npm install
  2. Run npm run zip. This generates a zip file in the /dist folder. We will need it later.
  3. In the AWS Lambda Console:
    • Click Create Function
    • Select Author From Scratch
    • Runtime = Node.js
    • Click Create Function (let it automatically create an AMI role, or choose a pre-configured one)
    • In Code entry type, select Upload a .zip file
    • Upload the .zip file in the /dist folder generated in previous step.
  4. The Lambda uses Okta's jwt verifier library, which requires 2 variables (passed into the Lambda as Environment Variables)... Provide values for 2 environment variables (get these from your Okta configuration):
Variable Value
ISSUER Issuer String of the Authorization Server configured for API "B" (API "A" makes a client_credentials request to this auth server) e.g. https://example.okta.com/oauth2/default
AUDIENCE "Audience" configured in the Authorization Server e.g. api://default

Create the Inline Hook service endpoint:

Expose the Lambda Function using Amazon API Gateway:

  1. From the Amazon API Gateway Console/UI, click Create API
  2. Accept all defaults, and provide a name for API name
  3. Click Create API
  4. On the next screen, click Actions > Create Resource and provide following values:
    • Resource name = inline-hook
    • Resource Path = /inline-hook
    • Click Create Resource
    • Click Create Method
      • Integration Type = Lambda Function
      • Use Lambda Proxy Integration = Y
      • Lambda Function = The Lambda function we just created
      • Click Save

Setup Inline Hook

Follow this guide to complete the Okta Inline Hook setup.