
go language learning

Primary LanguageGo


Here are some basic examples of how to use the go programming language.

Go is a tool for managing Go source code.


    go <command> [arguments]

The commands are:

    bug         start a bug report
    build       compile packages and dependencies
    clean       remove object files and cached files
    doc         show documentation for package or symbol
    env         print Go environment information
    fix         update packages to use new APIs
    fmt         gofmt (reformat) package sources
    generate    generate Go files by processing source
    get         add dependencies to current module and install them
    install     compile and install packages and dependencies
    list        list packages or modules
    mod         module maintenance
    run         compile and run Go program
    test        test packages
    tool        run specified go tool
    version     print Go version
    vet         report likely mistakes in packages

source: go --help

Build a go binary:

go build if_example.go

This will generate 'if_example' as a binary.

Run a go binary
