
Primary LanguagePython

Video fetcher


API to fetch latest videos of football category from YouTube.

Tech and Apis Used

  • Django
  • YouTube data v3 API
  • Html, Css and Js


Step 1: Install the virtualenv package by runninng

pip install virtualenv

Step 2: Create the virtualenv by runninng

virtualenv -p python3 videos_venv

Step 3: Install all packages

pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Step 4: Activate the virtualenv by runninng

source videos_venv/bin/activate

Step 5: Deactivate the virtualenv by simply runninng


Step 6: Keep updating the requirements.txt if any new packages are installed by running

pip freeze > requirements.txt

To resume development post new pulls, always run pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt to install the latest requirements.

Step 7: Run Cron Job. for more details

python manage.py crontab add

Step 8: Run Django Server

python manage.py runserver

App Functions

  1. Provide Api to get latest video of predefined query.
  2. Change Api Key Automatic if current key exhausted.
  3. Simple Home page to see latest videos.
  4. Video Output


Api Provided

  1. Get videos

    Method: Get




    page: page number to get
    per_page_items: number of videos per page


        "page": {
            "current": "Number-current page number",
            "has_next": "Boolean-if we have next page",
            "has_previous": "Boolean-if we have previous page"
        "data": [
                "id": "Id",
                "title": "String-Title of video",
                "description": "String -Description of video",
                "video_id": "String",
                "thumbnail": "URL",
                "publish_time": "Time",
                "channel_title": "String- Channel title"

Thank You