1st Place Solution for Facebook's OpenEDS 2020 Sparse Semantic Segmentation Challenge

demo image


  • Linux
  • Python 3.6+
  • PyTorch 1.3+
  • CUDA 9.2+

To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

First, prepare folds for training

python dataset/create_kfolds.py


To train the model, run this command:

python train.py --config <path_to_config> --data-dir <path_to_data> --gpu <gpu_ids> --fold <fold_id>

List of other parameters can be seen inside train.py


To inference a model, run:

python predict_ensemble.py --data-dir <path_to_data> --label-file <path_to_file_with_sample_names> --save-dir <path_to_save> --gpu <gpu_ids>

Models that should be inferenced are written in predict_ensemble.py.
path_to_file_with_names is a file with all sample names e.g. S_0/label_0.npy and etc.


To evaluate model, run:

python validate.py --data-dir <path_to_data> --pred-dir <path_to_predictios> --fold <fold_id>

Predictions from model should be inferenced beforehand

Pre-trained Models

You can download pretrained models here:


Our models achieve the following performance on:

Model mIoU
UNet EfficientNet-b7 95.15%
Ensemble of 10 Models 95.17%

The reason why the ensemble gives such a small accuracy increase is that most of the models in the ensemble were trained sub-optimally, as we've found out best training pipeline towards the end of the competition.


We thank Selim Seferbekov and Pavel Yakubovskiy for wonderful codebase that we extensively used during competition.