arewa data science 30 Days Of Python exercise repo


This is the repository for the exercises from 30 days of python assigned by arewa data science fellowship. the guide covers :

  1. Introduction
  2. Variables_builtin_functions
  3. Operators
  4. Strings
  5. Lists
  6. Tuples
  7. Sets
  8. Dictionaries
  9. Conditionals
  10. Loops
  11. Functions
  12. Modules
  13. List_comprehension
  14. Higher_order_functions
  15. Python_type_errors
  16. Python_date_time
  17. Exception_handling
  18. Regular_expressions
  19. File_handling/python for web
  20. Python_package_manager
  21. Classes_and_objects
  22. Web_scraping
  23. Virtual_environment
  24. Statistics
  25. Pandas
  26. Python_web
  27. Python_with_mongodb
  28. API building
  29. Building_API final
  30. Conclusions