
Primary LanguageCSS


Javascript Boilerplate for starting Javascript Projects like NodeJs, React etc


  1. Fork the repository and copy the remote url of your own repo (your forked copy).

  2. On your terminal, clone repository using: git clone <paste-the-remote-url-of-your-own-repo>

  3. On your terminal, set the parent repo as your upstream using: git remote add upstream https://github.com/Ingressive-for-Good/Devas

  4. Run: git remote -v to ensure your origin and upstream is set

  5. Create a branch with your name as this is where the testing and this is the branch all work will be taking place and the branch you will be creating a PR from: git checkout <name of branch>

  6. Get the latest code from the parent repo and merge : `git pull upstream dev

You can start working on your task.

Tip 💡: You can check the branch you are working on using : git branch

Once you are done with coding, stage your changes: git add .

Then commit your changes your local branch: git commit -m "your reason for adding the code"

Tip 💡: You can check the files yet to be staged and committed with git status

Then check the parent repo if there has been any update since the last time you pull to avoid conflicts and have a work that is in sync by pulling from the parent repo again: git pull upstream <name of branch>

Once it is done merging, push your changes to your own repo: git push origin dev

Then go to your repo, click on make contributions (if create a pull request doesn't show up) and create a pull request.

Compare parent development branch with your own development branch and create a pull request

⚠️ And the rest will be history 🙂

⚠️ REMEMBER: Always pull before pushing : git pull upstream

⚠️ REMEMBER: Use @ingressive-for-Good/teamname (e.g @ingressive-for-Good/devas or @ingressive-for-Good/ace) in any comment, issue, or pull request.