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Table of Contents (Arewa DS)

Arewa Data Science and Machine Learning Curriculum!

The Arewa Data Science and Machine Learning Fellowship is a comprehensive, free program aimed at equipping aspiring data scientists and machine learning engineers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field.

Our curriculum is carefully designed to guide participants through the basics of programming and data analysis to the more complex concepts of machine learning algorithms and applications. With a blend of theory and practical assignments, fellows engage in a hands-on learning experience that prepares them for real-world data science challenges.

Key Features:

  • Structured curriculum covering Python, Data Science, and Machine Learning.
  • Hands-on projects and challenges to apply learning in practical scenarios.
  • Access to a community of mentors and peers for collaborative learning.
  • Opportunities for real-world application through capstone projects.

Interested in Joining the Fellowship?

Applications for Cohort 2.0 have now closed, but we welcome you to participate in our sessions and access our materials for self-study. Stay updated on future cohorts and get the latest information by following us on our social media pages. Additionally, join our Telegram group for regular updates and insights into our fellowship program.

Contact & Community:

Welcome to Cohort 2.0 ArewaDS Fellowship

Welcome to the Arewa Data Science and Machine Learning Cohort 2.0 Fellowship!. Whether you're just starting or looking to deepen your existing skills, our fellowship offers a structured path to mastering the fundamentals and advanced concepts. We've organized the fellowship into three main parts:

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the Arewa Data Science and Machine Learning Fellowship, fellows must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of Curriculum: Fellows must complete all modules within the curriculum, including the Python challenge, Data Science, Machine Learning sections, "Learning How to Learn," and "Writing in Science" courses.

  • Assignments and Medium BlogPost: Submission of all required assignments and assigned blog post by the specified deadlines. Posts must meet the quality standards set by the mentors.

  • Attendance: Maintain a 90% attendance rate for weekly office hours (Saturday and Sunday). See attendance list

  • Capstone Project: Complete a capstone project that demonstrates the ability to apply learned skills to a real-world problem. The project must be approved by the ArewaDS Team.

Fellowship Kickoff

You can find the list of accepted fellows, the mentor-mentee list, the recording of the kickoff event and the slides used during the presentation below.

Component Resource
Accepted Fellows Page Visit the Accepted Fellows Page
Mentors/Mentee Info mentor/mentee page
Communication (Telegram) How to use Arewa Data Science Telegram Group
Kickoff Recording Ethiqueet Link to Recording
Kickoff Slides Link to slides

We are excited to have you on board and can't wait to see the amazing things you'll accomplish.

Stage 1: Getting Started

| Duration: 6 weeks | attendance list |

The first part of our fellowship focuses on building a strong foundation in the essential tools used in Data Science and Machine Learning. We'll guide you through:

  • Learning Strategies: Discover effective methods to enhance your learning and retention.
  • Development Environment: Set up your development environment with tools like VSCode.
  • Version Control: Learn to track and manage your code changes using Git and GitHub.
  • Python Programming: Master the basics of Python, the language of choice for data analysis.

Learning How to Learn

Before we delve into the technicalities, we'll explore techniques and strategies to enhance your learning process, helping you absorb and retain information more effectively.

Fellows are expected to complete the course "Learning How to Learn" from Coursera. Coursera offers financial aid. Below are the resources to get you started:

Resource Description Link
Learning How to Learn Course Go to course
How to Apply for Coursera Financial Aid Watch the video

Kindly note that if you would like to get started immediately after applying for the financial aid, you would need to click on Audit Course at the final page of the application, otherwise, you would need to wait the two weeks for the financial aid application to be approved. In addition, while auditing the course, one can only watch the videos and learn without the ability to submit the graded quizzes or earn the certificate.

Setup and Installation

In this section, we'll cover how to set up your development environment using Visual Studio Code (VSCode), including how to use Jupyter notebooks within it. We'll also dive into using a python virtual environment, Git for version control, GitHub for collaboration, and Markdown for documentation.

We have provided detailed instructions, but you might not understand all the details of the setup for now. It will become clearer as you proceed with the course. So don't despair, put on your patience hat, and ask for help when needed. There's light at the other end of the tunnel.

Title Resource Recording Mentor
Initial Setup MacOS | Windows | Linux Tutorial Dr. Idris
Basic Command Line Operations CommandLine recording Dr. Idris
Setup Git and GitHub Git/GitHub Recording2 | Recording1 Dr. Idris
Python Virtual Environments Virtual Enviroment Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
VSCode for DataScience VScode for DS Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
Introduction to Markdown Markdown Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
Customizing GitHub profile Customizing Profile Recording Lukman
Working with GitHub in VS Code GitHub in VS Code TBD
GitHub for Collaboration Advaced GitHub Dr Idris
Google Colab Google Colab Recording Dr. Idris
Python Functions and Modules Functions and Modules Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
Generative AI TBD
Learning Programming with ChatGPT TBD

30 Days of Python Challenge

Over the course of 30 days, you'll learn Python basics, advanced features, and everything in between. Fellows are expected to practice and submit assignments for each day via Github repository.

Here's the challenge you'll be undertaking:

Day Content Link
1-30 30 Days of Python Challenge Start the Course

Stage 2: Data Science

Duration: 6 weeks | attendance list |

The second part of the fellowship is all about Data Science. You'll learn to clean, visualize, and analyze data, which are key steps in any data science project. In addition to the technical skills, fellows are expected to complete the "Writing in the Sciences" course on Coursera to hone their ability to communicate scientific findings effectively.

Recommended Reading: Atomic Habit and Deep Work.

Date Learning Objectives and Topics Lesson Resources Recording Mentor
20/01/2024 Blogging using Medium: Learn how to start writing blogs using Medium How to write Medium Article Recording Lukman
20/01/2024 Learn the basic concepts behind data science and its relationship with AI, machine learning, and big data. Introduction to Data Science Recording Dr Ibrahim
21/01/2024 Introduction to data classification and common data sources. Understanding Data Types Recording Dr Ibrahim
03/02/2024 Numpy Numpy Notebook | numpy-100-exercise Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
04/02/2024 Pandas. Pandas Notebook | Pandas exerices Recording Dr. Shamsuddeen
10/02/2024 Working With Data: Techniques for cleaning and transforming data to address challenges like missing or inaccurate data. Data Preparation Techniques Recording Dr Ibrahim
11/02/2024 Visualizing Quantities : Learn to use Matplotlib to visualize data, such as bird populations. Visualizing with Matplotlib Recording Dr Ibrahim
17/02/2024 Visualizing Distributions of Data: Visualize observations and trends within intervals. Data Distributions Visualization Recording Dr. Idris
17/02/2024 Visualizing Proportions: Visualize discrete and grouped percentages. Proportions Visualization Recording Dr. Idris
18/02/2024 Visualizing Relationships : Visualize connections and correlations between datasets and variables. Relationships Visualization Recording Dr. Idris
18/02/2024 Meaningful Visualizations : Create valuable visualizations for effective problem-solving and insights. Creating Meaningful Visualizations Recording Dr. Idris
18/02/2024 Communication : Present insights from data in an understandable way for decision-makers. Data Science Communication Recording Dr. Idris
3/03/2023 Learn how to us Quarto to create website Quaro Recording

Stage 3: Machine Learning

Duration: 8 weeks

In the final part of the fellowship, we'll focus on Machine Learning. You'll learn about different algorithms and how to implement them using popular libraries like Scikit-learn.

Recommended Book:

In the final part of the fellowship, we'll focus on Machine Learning. You'll learn about different algorithms and how to implement them using popular libraries like Scikit-learn.

Date Topic/Learning Objectives Lesson Group Lesson Resources Recording Mentor
09/03/2024 Introduction to Machine Learning: Learn the basic concepts behind machine learning. Introduction Lesson Recording TBD Shamsuddeen
09/02/2024 The History of Machine Learning: Learn the history underlying this field. Introduction Lesson TBD Shamsuddeen
10/03/2024 Techniques for Machine Learning: Discover the techniques ML researchers use to build ML models. Introduction Lesson TBD Shamsuddeen
Introduction to Regression: Get started with regression models using Python and Scikit-learn. Regression Lesson Recording Ibrahim
North American Pumpkin Prices 🎃: Visualize and clean data; build linear, polynomial, and logistic regression models. Regression Lesson Recording Ibrahim
30/03/2024 Introduction to Classification: Introduction to data cleaning, preparation, and visualization for classification. Classification Lesson |Session Notebook Recording Shamsuddeen
31/03/2024 Delicious Asian and Indian Cuisines 🍜: Learn about classifiers; build a recommender web app using your model. Classification Lesson |Session Notebook Recording Shamsuddeen
Introduction to Clustering: Learn about clustering and data visualization. Clustering Lesson TBD TBD
Exploring Nigerian Musical Tastes 🎧: Explore the K-Means clustering method with music data. Clustering Lesson TBD TBD
Introduction to Natural Language Processing ☕️: Learn the basics of NLP by building a simple bot. Natural Language Processing Lesson | Notebook Recording Idris
Common NLP Tasks ☕️: Understand common tasks in NLP dealing with language structures. Natural Language Processing Lesson | Notebook Recording Idris
Translation and Sentiment Analysis ♥️: Perform translation and sentiment analysis with literary texts. Natural Language Processing Lesson TBD TBD
Romantic Hotels of Europe ♥️: Conduct sentiment analysis with European hotel reviews. Natural Language Processing Lesson TBD TBD
Introduction to Time Series Forecasting: Learn the basics of time series forecasting. Time Series Lesson Recording1 Recording2 Zahraddeen Karami Lawal
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning: Get introduced to reinforcement learning with Q-Learning. Reinforcement Learning Lesson Recording Mustapha Abdullahi
A guide to Upwork freelancing Upwork Lesson Recording Munzali Alhassan
Completing DataCamp Data Scienec Certification Data Science Certification Lesson Recording Lukman
Introduction to Kaggle: Learn how to participate in Kaggle competition Kaggle Lesson TBD TBD
MLFlow**: Learn how to get started with MLflow MLFlow Lesson TBD TBD

Career Services, Soft Skills and Mentorship

After completion of our program, we offer career services to support you as you make the pivotal transition from fellowship to career, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate the competitive job market and emerge as a standout candidate in the world of data science and machine learning.

  • Career Advising: One-on-one mentorship sessions to plan your career trajectory.
  • Resume/CV and LinkedIn Reviews: Tailored advice to polish your CV and professional profiles.
  • Development of Portfolio Website: Learn to create a personal website to feature your bio, CV, projects, and professional accomplishments.
  • Capstone Project Showcase: Strategies to highlight your project for employers and peers.
  • Presentation Skills: Training to present your ideas and findings clearly.
  • Alumni Network: Access to our alumni community for networking and support.
  • Scholarship Guidance: Assistance with applications for educational and research funding.
  • Academic Paper Writing Support: Resources and mentorship for collaborating, writing and publishing papers.
  • Join HausaNLP Research Group: Engage with NLP research and contribute to Hausa language technology projects.

Arewa Data Science Fellowship